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Hi all, just joined community and wonder if anyone has had, or knows anything about, pulmonary rehabilitation as doc has recommended it.

CELAT06 profile image
23 Replies

I have COPD for some years now but it has got a lot worse over the winter, with several infections needing treatment with antibiotics and extra steroids so doc has recommended this, but don't know what to expect. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, CELAT06

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CELAT06 profile image
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23 Replies
hopetorun profile image

Hello welcome to the site. Pulmonary rehab is a program set up to help people with lung conditions the aim is to educate those attending how to manage there conditions learn techniques for breathing and to help you understand what is happening in your lungs. the main aspect is exercise which concentrates on strengthening muscles and improving your stamina. the majority of people on hear will sing the praises of these courses and I must do the same they really do help so if you have been given the opportunity to go then grab it. It can only do you good and you will meet others like yourself. I hope you enjoy going best wishes Irene

a lot of the members have been on rehab ,thay will be along to answer you, also the balloon at the top,is the blf number,there open Monday 10am, ring and a nurse will help and advice you, forum is open 24/7,welcome celato6

Hi and nice to meet you. Welcome to the site. I have done PR and recommend it. It was arranged for me through my copd nurse. Ring up your surgery or make an appointment and I am sure your doctor could give you details as well. It's usually once a week over 6-12 weeks. At mine there was a copd nurse, a psychologist and an exercise specialist. We did 45 minutes exercise, specially designed to help lung patients, followed by tea and biscuits. You can carry on the exercises when you have finished the course. Then a chat with the psychogist and the copd nurse. It lasted 2 hours. When I had finished it I was allowed to attend the maintenance course once a month. You will probably also have a BreathEasy group near you. Google it. You can refer yourself there. Mine meets once a month with a copd nurse and sometimes guest speakers. We had a fireman one week! We go out for the odd meal and day out which is fun. Good luck with it. x

celat06 ,hi nice to have on board , I,m starting PR next month, I, ve been told it,s really good , so good luck . take care . phil

Caruso profile image

I have done PR how I wish it was every week for a year instead of just a few weeks I felt so well attending but once the course was finished I went back to being down and depressed.

hopetorun profile image
hopetorun in reply to Caruso

Hi talk to your GP may be you could go on an exercise referral scheme. best wishes Irene

Caruso profile image
Caruso in reply to hopetorun

I shall be asking my GP. Tomorrow when I see him

carlam131 profile image
carlam131 in reply to Caruso

is it possible for you to explore what is available for you in the local leisure centers? For example, Lothian have set up follow on sessions from the PR course. i attended a PR course last year, and for various reasons did not manage to catch up with the additional gym work out sessions at the local leisure centre till a few weeks ago

its been brilliant. they have 2 trainers who have attended copd training course, and run the sessions 3 days a week for an hour. when i attended i spoke to one of the trainers, and he set me up with my own exercise programme and i am really benefiting from it now

it costs £3 for the hour session, and also allows me to go swimming after

even if they dont have specific copd courses i would still suggest you turn up at your local gym / leisure centre and see what kind of programme can be set up for yourself

i know my energy levels and general levels of fitness have improved, and when i cant manage to go to the copd class, i go to the gym and just do my own work out, followed by a swim.

PaMaBa profile image

It is brilliant and well worth doing. Here in Portsmouth once we have done the course we can then attend a weekly exercise class. I've been going for a year now and love it. As well as all that is provided I have found it a great help talking with other people who have COPD. Go for it!!!!

PollyP profile image

Welcome to the site, and as for Pulmonary Rehabilitation? As so done who has had COPD and was diagnosed 10 years ago I have absolutely no hesitation in totally recommending this as a method of feeling better, preventing exacerbations, increasing immunity and encouraging a better mood, boosting confidence and getting more oxygen to the muscles groups. What more could we ask for eh?

You will be really fortunate if it is available in your area, I had to wait for two years before it came to where I lived and one other thing, keep up the exercises and the relaxation when you have finished otherwise you will have wasted your time.

Good Luck.

olgamarie profile image
olgamarie in reply to PollyP

Like you, PollyP, we have no rehab in our area. I have been told to do rehab, but don't know what to do on my own. Also, how do you increase your immunity and prevent exacerbations (had 1st 6 wks ago). Do you know hos long it takes to rid your body of all the steroids, and how do you do that? Thanks so much.

PollyP profile image
PollyP in reply to olgamarie

Hi, are you in the UK? And have you asked your GP or practice nurse about Pulmonary Rehab? As katieoxo60 says you have to be referred by them for PR. Otherwise ask your GP or practice nurse to refer you to local exercise on referral programme, there is bound to be one of those! And google health walks in your area, there will some of those as well. Unusually for me I have had a rubbish winter with long exacerbations probably caused by moving house ! I try to keep my immune system good, by eating healthy fresh food, lots of fruit and veg, walking every day, exercise at home and the gym, meditation, positive frame of mind. You could also try this DVD Functional fitness COPD and Asthma. By Suzanne Andrews. I got my copy from Amazon. Oh and take your medication regularly too :-) Hope this helps you?

O2Trees profile image

Hi CELATOS, pulm rehab is a must, it's the main thing which research has proved to help our physical functioning and help us maintain our lifestyles. BUT its essential to keep up the exercises after the course finishes. I do mine every other day, sometimes a two day gap if life gets in the way, but i do prioritise them. Even though I'm on ambulatory oxygen now and at the severe stage, I credit the exercises with enabling me to maintain an active lifestyle, walking, riding bike, dancing.

I had similar experience to squady above, where people in the group kind of sat around and one would make sarcastic remarks if someone was working hard. Just do your own thing and value the opportunity. You could also investigate whether there are any Singing for Breathing groups in your area. Research on the benefits of this is going on currently, but many people are hugely help by the breathing discipline that singing provides. All the best and good luck.

brooksju profile image

Hi, yes I can definitely recommend you doing the PR coarse, I am still going after a year and I do the exercises at home as well, it has helped me so much, I am severe emphasema, I still get infections in the winter months but not as bad as I was before doing PR, go for it, good luck.


FarmerD profile image

I think although very important the exercise is good but the information one gets from pulmonary rehab is so helpful.This condition is so individual to each of us the vast difference in experiences is essential to help us understand how to cope with it all.I found it really helpful(almost as helpful as this site).I have also joined a permanent session to keep up with the exercises.I have not heard a bad word said against it even from the lazier patients.Stick to your own pace and enjoy ,the best of luck!D.

SMasefield profile image

Hello CELAT06,

You may find this of interest europeanlung.org/assets/fil...

stone-UK profile image


Look at


katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Celat60, as stated pulmonary rehab is an exercise program designed for the individual need of each patient. Usually you have to be referred by your doctor or respiratory nurse. I am on one called life lung fitness which is a community project aimed at keeping your health and lung fitness at maximum and keep you out of hospital too. So it is worth trying pulmonary rehab if offered and you can get advice there too. Another source off advice besides this site of course is the breathe easy groups if you have one where you live. Hope this helps

ritired profile image

Welcome, Ihave been attending pulmonary rehab for over a year now, once a week, and it is the best move I have ever made. I feel my breathing would be far worse if I had not had the opportunity.

CELAT06 profile image

Hi all, many thanks to everyone who replied to my question, the advice and information given has really helped me understand what is involved and what to expect on Thursday.

Once again thanks very much, I know I am going to find this site very useful and wish I had found it sooner.

Celat 06

jmrommes profile image

Exercise is one of the most important things we can do to help ourselves control and manage our COPD. So PR is really an introduction to exercise as well as giving you some good educational information about COPD and how you can control and manage it better. I've never been to a PR program; there wasn't one when I needed it 11 years ago, so I basically did my own with the help of my doc and the internet.

My original goal was to lose weight, which I did; what I didn't think about was what a giant impact the weight loss and general improvement in my level of conditioning would make on my breathing. I learned that I need to exercise just about every day if at all possible, and if I do, I can do things much more easily, I have way more energy than if I didn't, my breathing is usually much better, I don't get sick as often and when I do I get well much quicker.

One of the most important things to remember is that you'll need to exercise on the days you don't go to PR and when the program is complete, you need to keep it up or you'll lose all the ground you gained. For us COPDers, use it or lose it is really true!


ronpeterson profile image

celat, I've been walking 60 minutes a day and am doing well but now I am trying to do better-I want to regenerate my lungs and believe it is possible although the docs all say it is impossible-maybe you can find some helpful hints at this site regeneratinglungs.com ron

heho profile image

feel for you. had little explanation really l can re prescribed medication but get so brethless all the time, On just llive day by day,Would like more information really so feel for you. On oxy. as loose energy gone down so quickly - got to keep positive though and hope all will get better. Keep your chin up and you could get better in time as my consultant said that it could take up to 3 years I wish you well

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