need to go to doctors tomorrow as its not getting any easier. Has anyone else had this problem, it only happened after coughing
Hi has anyone had a partial collapsed... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi has anyone had a partial collapsed lung. Had mine since yesterday hurts to breathe and cough. could not sleep as cannot lie down.

Might it be a pleural rub (inflamation) or a cracked rib rather than a collapsed lung? I quite often suffer from these when coughing too hard. A collapsed lung is serious and, I would imagine, causes severe breathlessness.
A trip to your GP will give you the answer hopefully and set you on the road to recovery whatever.
Hi Thanks for your reply I can feel the air moving around. I had my morning cough yesterday and it happened then. I have read you can get a spontanious pneumothorax that normaly heals within 3 days and can be caused by coughing. I will go to gp tomorrow as I have COPD and need to get it sorted. I will let you know how i go on x
That doesn't sound right cheekychic. Don't take chances with your lungs seek advice now! Ring up the nhs number or out of hours doctor. Don't wait until the morning please. Do it now. You don't want to wake up in the middle of the night unable to breathe because it might be too late then.. Ring up now please. Then come back and tell us that you have and what they say. Don't wait until it's an emergency
Hi Cheekychic.I had a collapsed lung and i called an ambulance immediately as my breathing was very short and shallow and I ended up having a pneumothorax and a chest drain fitted,so if you think your lung has collapsed get advice or help as soon as possible.Take care.Bengunn.xx
Thank you for coming in and saying that too Bengunn. You must take action now please cheekychic. Hope you are ok now Bengunn.

Hi Coughalot1.Thanks for your thoughts,ok now but having problems with repeated chest infections and rapid response nurses calling twice a day for two weeks.Having I'V treatment for the bug psuedomonus six days to go.I hope ab does the trick.Stay well.Bengunn.xx.
Many years ago I ignored a collapsed lung, just beause i didn't realise I had one an i ended up desperately ill M x
I bet you did - that can be very serious! Glad to see you recovered from it Mocarey.
Hi I am recovering now from a pnerothorax happened in January . I coughed a bit to hard and pop,I thought I hurt something in my neck. Carried on working for two hours then started to swell up like a balloon . Colleague called ambulance and then A&E . Three weeks in hospital ,no drains . I have sarcoidosis chronic stage , just had another chest infection at the time. I should have trusted my instinct and got help earlier. Hope you have sort help now,if not I would . Good luck. X
My Dad had a collapsed lung in January of last year along with a nasty case of pneumonia and he ended up in ICU for 18 days and was in hospital most of January.
Don't take any chances with your lungs, see a doctor as soon as you can. I would hate for anyone to go through what my Dad did as we very nearly lost him.
if you have a collapsed lung you need to get help fast do not wait to see GP go to your nearest AE dept infection can set in withal that entails good luck
Hi Guys Thank you all so much for your help and advise. Went to A&E there for 6 hours. Had chest xray tiny tear in lung also severe lung infection. Antibiotics,steroids and pain killers and rest. Ive got to stop tearing around like a mad woman and take it easy. I have been digging my garden digging my garden ready for the new lawn so thats probably what started it. Garden tools locked away know and hubby took the key so I cannot do anymore. Once again thank you all for your help and hope everyone is feeling good today xx
I am so glad you sought immediate treatment cheekychic. When I saw your post last night I nearly had a heart attack when you said were going to leave it until the morning! I have been really worried about you. Remember if something doesn't feel right it ain't right. Anyway glad you got it sorted and are following doctors advice. Thank you for letting us know you are (relatively) ok. I know its a bummer but take it easy and give yourself chance to recover before any more strenuous exercise. Don't take chances with your lungs you only get 1 set and they have to last you for life. I know its a bummer but give your body a chance to recover before any more strenuous exercise. Phew I can relax now xx

That was so nice of you to worry thank you and im sorry to have put you in that position. xx
No that's fine cheekychic. I am so glad you put your post up and I was able to give you some good advice. Think if you hadn't? Doesn't bear thinking about does it? I just didn't know how many would be around coz it was quite late and I was very pleased when benngun came in and backed up what I was saying. I would much rather be worried about you than you not post if you need advice. I put myself in the worrier position because I do worry about people lol xx
Hi Guys Just to let you all know feeling much better today. Still hurts to breathe but not half as bad just feeling tired and cold. Once again thank you all for your help you don't know how much it meant to me. Its good to know that there is this site you don't feel as alone. my other half is a great guy but comes to illness he's useless.Big hugs to you all xxx
My friend had this and the went into hospital where they re-inflated it. Need to see your doc asap.