Hi, has anyone here had shingles whil... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi, has anyone here had shingles whilst suffering from copd, my husband has just been diagnosed with shingles and has had emphysema for 6yrs

Sorry not me, but am sorry for your husband and hope he is not in too much pain with it. Have they prescribed anything for him? A friend I knew had shingles but not emphysema, he used to put ice packs against the painful area.
I hope he gets well soon.
I think you can be vaccinated on NHS now against shingles, but am not completely sure. Don't know if any one else knows?

Hi Everyone Shingles I have never really understood anything about this. I friend of mine with a disease called Sarcoidosis, yes its something that attacks our Organs and yes more than just the one. This friend repeatedly wrote that her shingles were back on her face but they didn't really bother her. Yes I have heard similar comments elsewhere. Oh I had my usual dose of Shingles on my right shoulder but no It doesn't really bother me. Hence the reason I am confused. In 2002 I was at work and I wasn't feeling to good and even though I have Chronic back pain through an Accident this was different. I actually drove my 75 miles back home with the pain getting much worse. I hadn't been at home many minutes when all of a sudden I wasn't able to stand up. I literally needed to crawl up the front of our Settee and the wife Panicking asked if she should phone the Dr mmm 8-00 pm . I sat laid did everything. Even though I have a big tolerance against pain this wasn't like no pain I had ever experienced.
I ended up on my knees again leant over the sofa. "Just stop there a minute I need to take a look. God I think you might have shingles, You have great Blotchy things at the base of your back. Yes I am phoning for an Ambulance". No it was one of these emergency places. "Can you bring your Husband Down here to be examined" No I don't drive its Hubby that does all the driving. Nooo We don't have any family Member round here that can drive him to you. WOWEE "Well your Hubby will have to drive himself else he can't be treated. Yes I got there and Crawled into the Centre I Admit a doctor was waiting for me, After examining me I received the diagnosis You have Shingles. I will give you some medication to tied you over and a letter for your Doctor you will need to send for him tomorrow, What Ever Happens YOU MUST NOT DRIVE WOWEE> My wife contacted my daughter who lives miles away and Got me home,
I can honestly say I have never experienced pain like it and Yes I have had kidney stones and that is suppose to be the worse pain that a male can go through. Well the pain I had with shingles was even worse, However that wasn't the end. I had some sort of medication for the wife to dab on what was now turning out to be massive blisters on the base of my back, on my right cheek through my groin and down my right leg. All of a sudden as the wife was reading instructions I had a massive itch the wife said "Under no circumstances must you pull any of the blisters off MMMM to late the size of the Blister I was looking at on my fingers. I went through pure hell. After the pain came the violent itching Don't scratch it says her Not to God sod them they haven't got this itch. then the next. I was put on like it says at the top Nerves I was put on Amitriptyline and extremely Strong Pain Killers. I can't remember which way round but one it stated caused constipation and the other caused sod it the runs could spell the proper name lol. Every night and day I was found Flying to the Loo then me shouting false alarm I honestly now believe that was worse than the pain or the itching,
No I hadn't been diagnosed with COPD and my other lung conditions at that time another 5 years so no Not on Steroids, However there was one condition that I saw on the introduction at the top of here and that was stress. If I was being honest then yes I was going through a lot of stress at that time. However How can one person be in total agony and the next one be able to go to work. Please don't you go saying maybe I was Mardy lol I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone, Thank you. Breathless
Hi I have had shingles a few times, the pain wasn't that bad for me but I know some people really suffer. It was the "fluey" feeling which was the worst I found, and feeling tired and down.
There is a shingles vaccine...for the over 70s...don't know if there are any other criteria though. But I did read on an American website that taking steroids was a contra-indication...don't know if that is true. On my prednisilone information sheet it says you should tell your gp if you come in contact with shingles or chickenpox when taking the tablets.
Hope he feels better soon
Hi yes I have had shingles . Nasty and painful, all over one shoulder took a while to clear up had tablets prescribed anti viral I believe and cream because it got very dry. I have had emphysema sine 1998. And yes there is a jab available now. Hope he is soon better and not in too much pain.
hi I read that shingles can be brought on by steroid use if that's any good info for you.my friend had shingles at xmas,her gp said its cause shes on steroids,take care
I had shingles at end of may and suffer from copd also. Prednisolone plus antibiotics being my usual treatment ties in with what most people suggest on here. My sympathy to your husband, the pain can be awful but with ther right medication soon passes. All the best for. a speedy recovery.
I thought when on long term steroids you were advised to avoid chicken pox (difficult as i was a teacher) because the virus runs riot. I was advised in this manner I 1999 when on heavy duty steroids fr UC. I thought shingles was the same virus which becomes shingles if yu have already had chicken pox. For instance, my middle child had chicken pox when 4 and shingles when 5. She was not impressed! Maybe I'm wrong. Someone will correct me, hopefully, if that is so. Either way, hope you feel much better very soon. Alison
many thanks for all your helpful replies....
Hubby had it, a couple of years ago,was in terrible pain with it.
My understanding of it,that you must have had chickenpox earlier in life,& then when run down etc,the virus which lies dormant,after the pox,reactivates.
Harry had some sort of Chilli,hot pepper cream?that he had to rub in,& it lessened the pain.it took about 5 months,for the rash etc. to go entirely.
Good luck with it all!
Hope you're better soon,& not too uncomfortable,
Love Wendells xxx

true wendells the cream is called capsaicin and a prescription is required, it helped me with the pain.
Thanks grandadbrian!! Couldent remember the name,for the life of me! Yes I remember it helped Harry with the pain,nasty thing shingles,wouldent wish it on my worst enemy!!xx
Hi Ocean.
You may be interested to hear that Propolis Cream from the health shop helps to heal shingles faster. Put it on twice a day. It will speed recovery and if put on early enough the blisters will not get any "tops" on.
Hope this helps.
I've not had shingles, but I do hope your husband is soon pain free whatever the cause. So glad the doctor is seeing him today.
All good wishes to you and your husband.

Many thanks BlakeyC