hi all l had a phone call this morning from my gp about my hba1c test which was showing 26.4 after been made to go to a drop in center yesterday by a hospital doctor and then been told to see what my doctor says well today he rang me and said high glucose poor control and was all he said so what does anyone think of that and to say lm only on 1 metformin in a morning and 1 at night and that's it so lm speechless at the doctor
update on doctors request : hi all l... - Lung Conditions C...
update on doctors request

Sorry I don't know anything about that minkymoo. I think you should make an appointment with your doctor and get him to explain it properly.
Hi minkymoo what's the normal reading meant to be? Is it the same as the test for diabetes and that's roughly a 5-6 count I think, which makes your reading very high? If so I would've thought they would want to be addressing that eh? I would think there are others here that will understand properly ,or speak with the blf they are good. Sorry I'm not much help minkymoo. I hope you get some answers soon ! It does sound odd with the doc being so matter of fact about a very high count. Very confusing for you. Takecare and keep well. :). Janexx
That information from your Doctor is totally inadequate. What on earth does he mean? Do you have another doctor in the practise you could make an appointment with? Perhaps the helpline could give you advise on where to go to get better medical help! TAD xx
Very bad treatment. My friend had nutrition/diet support from her practice and is now off Metformin.
If GP is useless make an appointment with the practice nurse. Good luck
That's a very high reading. Was it a fasting test, if so you should see a specialist in Diabetes immediately to prescribe more medication may even have to start insulin. Don't hang about, you could be close to a hypo.Ring the doctor and ask to be seen by a consultant.
That Doctor needs a wake up call! Need to breathe said everything I was thinking too.
Please don't delay,in getting further advice xx
hi everyone thankyou for your advice l have asked for another opinion from the other doctor who will be in on Monday and l have also made a appointment with the practice nurse for a diabetic review l just hope l do get more help at the moment lm on one 500mg metformin in a morning and one at night l like you think he should have put me on another medication but no he didn't l just wish l knew the name of the doctor that phoned me about the blood test l bet he wouldn't have been in favour of what my gp thought well l will let you all know what the next opinion is and what the practice nurse says too xx
hi longlungs the reading for diabetics well for me is between 5/10 but the hba1c l had been tested for was 26.4 so that to me was very high and should have been more looked into but no it wasn't and all the receptionist said was the doctor said it was high glucose poor control so now l have to wait till l hear from next doctor and just pray l don't go into hypo xx
Hi minkymoo oh good im glad youve rung to speak to somebody else.Yes Im not all that knowledgeable with diabetes I have 2-3 friends that have it and know that they have their readings that are good for them,one friend the docs get all panicky if she goes over 6,where as another friends normal is 13 ?We are all different I guess.Keep well and let us know what they have to say,if you dont feel well and get concerned get to A&E or call doc out.But hopefully all will be ok,I see Bevvy below says hypo's happen with low sugars. Janexx
Just to reassure you - hypo's happen from LOW blood sugars not high. Be aware metformin often upsets tummy and can take some getting used to. I have to take metformin 3x per day plus stig... Something 1x per day.
Oh dear! I know doctor are very woolly about results. Could you phone him or his secretary to ask for clarification and say that not knowing the meaning, it worries you. I hope you get somewhere with your quest. it's your case and you have a right to know.
Yes the BLF helpline may help you to tell you how to approach this. But Being about lungs, they may not know about diabetes. I don't know if your surgery has a diabetic nurse who could help better.
Hi Minky Moo
I am diabetic on insulin and metformin, i have this week had my blood test of which was one was HBaLC last one i had it was 8.2 which is slighty high.
So i would suggest you go and see your doctor, it should not be so high, you have had a lot of sugar in your blood for a long time you need to see a doctor and soon.as possible, i am on metformin three time a day after meals
good luck
Hi minkymoo, chemists used to sell them I think.
Hi Minky Moo
Its no bother, the only sweet i know that contains little sugar is Werther sweets from Sainsbury.
you must check everything you eat for sugar, and do have a good balanced diet, the internet is very good for diabetus diet
i do hope things will sort themselves out, im guessing you do have diebetus
Hi Minkymoo (in more than one way with that reading), have you thought of looking at the diabetes UK site? I was found to be diabetic just over a year ago and although luckily I do have a brill GP, they do not always have the time you need for the information. Diabetes UK has loads of information and also really nice people like those you find on this site but they have diabetes so it is a brilliant site for all information about diabetes.
Hope that you get sorted out really quickly and feel both better physically and less stressed mentally about this soon.
Best regards apothecarry