Never in my life have I ever been so worried AS I was today at ENT doctors given acute exacerbation.
Well I parked up and walked to ENT doctors in my local community hospital AND as soon as I sat down I could not breathe.
It’s week since doctors stoped my maintenance antibiotic’s TO see what happens AND today was that day.
So I pulled nurse AND said can I see doctor as am struggling to breath and none my inhalers preventers are working.
I was in a bit of a state either panic attack or exacerbation or I had done to much walking 🚶♂️ given how breathless been feeling since doctors stoped my antibiotics.
Could of even been cold AS I had not wrapped scarf 🧣 round my mouth.
Horrendous ANYWAY nurse doctor was brilliant nuse sat with me all the time AND Ear NOSE Throat doctor come out and reassured me about my breathing and how I would be best still having camera 📷 down nose throat to see if all was well.
He told me things are looking chronic down there with swelling n thrush and assured me that would of contributed to my Copd Exacerbation.
I told doctor my troat was ok until I had my antibiotics stoped THEN I could feel it swelling and filling with mucus.
Long and short of it is A 60 year old porter had to take me back to my car 🚗 in wheel chair as this no way I could of manged walk.
I said to porter how bad I felt having to take me back to my car BUT like she said if you can’t manage walk you can’t mansge.
So am back at my GP’s in morning as I can’t afford to be this unwell given what’s happing with my dad.