Had my second appointment with the consultant at Wythenshaw Hospital and left feeling so dissapointed was hoping for good news but the breathing test I had just done which was 1 Hour long were quite tiring and not what I was expecting lots of puffing and blowing and repeats first time I have been asked to use a nebuliser and I have never been in a little chamber before a bit like a telephone booth ? the results were not great The consultant had said he wanted me to do a rehab course I am still waiting to receive an appointment or start date for which he was not happy about so I have been chasing my local Doctors surgery only to find nothing had been done on their side about the rehab course as it has to come from the local Dr and not from Wythenshaw so more lost time rrrrrrrrrrrrr so annoying. The consultant said he would see me again in 2 months time after I had done the rehab to see if any improvements have been made he mentioned several times about a collapsed lung if or when it happened he felt I wouldn't be strong enough to cope with this exact words and terminology tend to go over my head He said it's all about air trapping so I am guessing my breathing not strong enough for me to recover in the event of any problems having the valves fitted.
I don't like to do too much reading on line research wise I think I would just scare the pants of myself as I am nervous enough as it is and aware there are risks. I hope when I get to start the rehab course fingers crossed I shall be able to talk to the COPD team and learn as I go and get some reassurances from them, as I usually go blank in front of the consultant and never get to ask what I intended think I was just hugely dissapointed he did at least say looking at the CT Scan he could fit the valves to my left lung so just need to get my Fitness level improved.
Hopefully next time I chat I will have better news but already telling myself if I need to continue as I am without the valves so be it the rehab course will be a good thing to do anyway and looking forward to it.
Chat soon
Pauline ππ