Any advice
What vitamins if any should I take to... - Lung Conditions C...
What vitamins if any should I take to boost my Immune system and should you take them all the time or only in winter thanks for any advice

Try taking NAC I teems to have done a lot for COPD and the immune system
Hi, if we eat good healthy fresh food then no additional vitamins are necessary. Food contains all the vitamins we need, unless we suffer from a condition where we cannot absorb Vit B12, then it has be given by injection. The other factor which increases our immunity is relaxation vis. the absence of stress, so relaxation is important, as is laughter, which benefit the immune system. So all good wishes for 2014, keep healthy and well.
What a piece of nonsense, certain tablets deplete you of your, potassium and magnesium, calcium and vit D, all vital for a healthy heart and bones, this is the advice doctors trot out all the time, if we need supplements, we should take them every day
Is everyone 'wrong' then ?
Just read the article very interesting thanks for putting it on.
good question shadwell
this may be so for healthy people Polly but not for those of us who aren't so lucky.
We need to support our immune systems when they've become depleted and give ourselves the best support in fighting infections causing further damage to our lungs. Sincerely, Peeg
Peeg, I do appreciate that everyone's circumstances are different, however I do have 49% lung function with COPD and Asthma, and was diagnosed 10 years ago on 31st December. I walk regularly and exercise, eat very healthily, lots of fresh food and I laugh at lot, not taking life too seriously. ( I have been a vegetarian for 20 years ) my health is very important to me. Do read this article and let me know if it is helpful.
Wish you health and happiness throughout 2014
I was at my Consultant 2 weeks ago where she told me I could really do to be on extra vitamin pills and calcium as the steroids were beginning to thin my bones. Then she looked at my meds list and said because I use Healthspan over 50 multivitamins and also cod liver oil that was quite sufficient and to continue on them, that I do not need any more. What are we supposed to believe. Cheryl
My husband who suffers with copd takes vitamin D which if fantastic apparently it needs to be D3 - there has been research that suggests copd sufferers have lower vit d levels (apparently I am low too). And vitamin c all the time and cod liver oil. He takes them all the time. Good luck TAD xxx

Even taking Vitamin D has not been conclusively demonstrated to be effective or necessary in treating COPD. I personally don't think it would hurt but at this day in time it is not recommended that COPD patients who are not deficient should take a supplement.

Your're right, I should have said Vit D3. I had mine tested at a private lab in Birmingham Hospital and my level was only 13. My daughters was 87!!
Just check that what you take does not clash with prescribed medication, some over the counter meds contain either the same thing or something counter productive, A bit of research now can save problems later
I am a big believer in vitamins and minerals. These days many things including storage of foods pesticide can destroy lots of the goodness in our foods. You have to be so careful and make sure any vits: you take do not clash with any meds you may be on. One thing for sure is that if you decide to take any vit: at all you should also take a multi mineral tab as well. The best thing you can do is pop into your local Holland and Barret, tell them about your condition and ask what they may recommend. If you are on meds: they should say that you need to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking anything they suggest. What I do is pop into my nearest chemist, ask to speak to the pharmacist and ask him if it's ok to take whatever H&B recommend. Good luck
Well said Mustcarryon.
Shadwell, A so called balanced diet of today is made up of mass produced produce. Pile em high, sell em cheap. (I know it's not actually cheap any more).
There are hundreds and hundreds of miles of massive plastic tunnels in Southern Spain growing tasteless veg & salads that never see real sunshine. Any vitamins in them are put there by man & machines.
It's a sad fact that unless you can grow your own or afford organic then it's better to supplement to improve our lot in life.
Personally speaking, I'm not willing to take that risk and take a good multi vit/minerals, 1000iu of Vit D3, B12 and Vit C daily (amongst other things).
A very good book is: A Pocket Guide to Vitamins, by Angela Dowden a registered nutritionist.
The book is 'an accessable, handy guide to vitamins and other supplements'.
I find it invaluable, easy to read and it gives the RDA plus the safe upper limit for vits, minerals and some supplements. For instance the daily safe upper limit for Vit C is 1000mg.
It also explains who may or may not need to supplement so it's a good aid in making up your own mind as well as showing how you must add up your daily intake to ensure you are being safe.
£4.77 post free from Amazon
xx Peeg
I take Vitamin C and Cod liver oil(containing Vit A &D) and I have managed to fight off 1 infection this year with only 1 course of antibiotics. that is good for me. Keeping fingers crossed its the Vitamins and exercise. ( I have always eaten well as I love Fruit and Veg)
but exercise is new to me.
This may be a silly question but - how do you know you are low in a particular vitamin or that your immune system is low. Does your doctor do tests? I have often thought about taking a vitamin supplement but have not yet done so. How will I know which one/s to take?
Thanks for all your help I have a app with resp consultant in jan so maybe I should ask what he thinks but thanks for ur time .
Hi your question is interesting as I had a call from my Drs yesterday saying there was a prescription for me to pick up and start taking straight away as my blood test results showed that my vitamin D levels were really low. Apparently this has been caused by the cocktail of medications I take daily including prednisolone which I have been on for nearly 12 months now. So although I live on a healthy diet, plenty of fish, veg and fruit it appears the meds have an effect on the absorption of some of the good vitamins. Something I was not aware of till now.
have tried them they do not work for me, eating lots of FRESH fruit and keeping away from my grandchildren when they have coughs and colds help reduce any infections.(although i did not manage to do this over xmas so keeping my fingers crossed.)
Darker skin can change vitamin D level when most of this vitamin is from sunlight not as much from what we eat.
Stay inside a house with no sunshine always cold in winter keeps many of us wrapped up in many clothes the skin can not take vitamins so at these times we should ask for vitamin test.

Bully I have just had blood tests done. Does a FBC give vitamin levels? Had that among others.

yes, and then paler skined people use high factor sun screen. I'm horrified when I see mums covering children in sun block at the first hint of sun. Rickets is on the increase in the west.
On the other hand Peeg, a person’s lifetime skin cancer risk is strongly affected by sun exposure during the first 15 years of life. Studies indicate that sunburn during childhood can double a person’s risk of skin cancer.
Some studies have found that sun protective habits during childhood can lead to fewer moles, a known risk factor for melanoma. For example, one study showed that regular sunscreen use during the first 18 years of life can reduce the risk of NMSC by 78%.
It is extremely important to teach children sensible sun habits in the first few years of life when they are more likely to develop unhealthy attitudes to sun exposure.. Malignant melanoma is the second most common form of cancer among young adults aged 15-34 . This is all UK information, quite scary!
I say this not to contradict you Peeg, but as someone who has a close relative who has skin cancer at a young age caused, apparently, by not enough sun protection when young, As always, it seems if one thing doesn't get us, another one will! Andy
No worries. I mentioned sun block, not sun screen or sun protection. I meant that using sun block also blocks out all the Vit D from sunlight.
It is quite scary. I think it's got something to do with the angle of the rays in the UK.
I brought my fair skinned children up in Africa using sun screen & sun hats and they never burned. The sun was almost directly overhead for much of the day.
On the other hand I've seen parents allowing kids burn in the UK. A terrible shame.
I'm really sorry you have a close relative with melanoma, I hope he or she is ok, it was found early and the prognosis is good. P
Sorry for late response Peeg. No, unfortunately prognosis not good at all. I think a few things come into play with many illnesses, family history, lifestyle etc. I just wish they could be reserved for us older ones, at least a lot of us with emphysema can look back and say yes, we've lived a life, but lives that are taken far too young, with so much left to do, are very upsetting and this partiicular young woman has had her hopes raised and dashed a number of time over her cancer and now it's just a matter of time, no more ifs or buts. Very sad. Andy
Hi, you should be very careful what supplements you take. I was given calcium and vit D because of the steroids I was prescribed. When I had blood tests it showed that the calcium had caused calcification in my shoulders and I had to discontinue taking it.
Be very careful whist you take.
oh dear, seems you cant win Titchy. I've just found out I have osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis condition). Had it for 10 years losing a further 5% in that time. They could have told me. I woud have taken something sooner. I'm very annoyed as I expect you are. P
That's quite shocking Jan, I do hope not too much damage has been done. Libby x
Thank you Peeg and libby7827 for your replies, I do get pain in shoulders they said if it gets worse I will, have to have them cleaned out, he also gave me the vit D, which is not good when you have sarcoidosis, it makes the symptoms worse apparently, so need to cover up or stay out of the sun. Now have to start Methotrexate for my rheumatoid arthritis in the new year. So much fun taking all these wonderful and weird meds.
Happy new year and hope you all have a better 2014,
(vitmins) have you heard of the BDA they are health proffesionals who work for the NHS. British Dieticic Assocation
Ask your GP,Nurse physio or PR team for a referal , The British Dietetic Association BDA is the professional association and trade union for UK dietitians. The BDA supports the science and practice of dietetics .
Stick, did you just read my mind eh? regular alcohol use at over recommended healthy levels will deplete vit b natural levels..which why when people are on detox we give them Vit B compound
I have often thought after three years with fibrosis of the lungs about taking vitamins but never as my Doctor so I`m glad to hear it being discussed.Cheers and all the best in 20:14