I have COPD Emphysema,and on my third lot of predisolone & antibiotics,it says on the steroids not to take indigestion remedies, the heartburn is getting me down,can't seem to shift chest infection,I had Pleurisy last week but was prescribed stronger antibiotics, heartburn is very bad,
Hi all,any advice on heartburn while ... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi all,any advice on heartburn while taking preds and antibiotics plz?

Hiya maryj, horrid isn't it. You can take indigestion remedies, just not within two hours of your meds. I have recently had dreadful heartburn and have to watch what I am eating just for the moment - fatty, spicy and sugary foods all conspire to produce the dreaded acid! I drink lots of water to dilute it and have Gaviscon on hand when I need it.
Thanks fibberti & scrobbity, will take your advice, and yes drinking lots of water is what is helping somewhat, but it keeps coming back,feeling better when someone understands what your going through,
For a very quick remedy use a bit of Bicarbonate of Soda ( not baking powder ) in half a cup of water. It doesn't taste nice bit it's an instant reliever of heartburn.
I was wondering weather to give that a go, thank you Puffthemagicdragon,gosh I remember that song quite well :))
Hi Mary, my gp gave me Omeprazol which are great! You can take them with prednisolone and antibiotics.
Thanks labrucca, I will ask dr for them tomoro,all advice is much appreciated
Hi Stitch, your right! it does say not to take indigestion remedies at same time,well I am so glad I raised the question on here,it is the first time I have actually tried asking for advice, feel really heartened by peoples response, thanks all of you so much.
you can take gaviscon 2 hours before or after your meds
Thanks teaky-19 it seems my problem is solved for now :)now I think I'll risk have lunch TTFN
You are quite safe to take meds like Lansoprazole, Omeprazole whilst taking Steroids and antibiotics - just not at the same time - at least 2 hours after your preds. I am on steroids long-term, take 25mg at 7am, if on AB's then 2 hours later, then 2 hours after that - take Lansoprazole (30mg). Sometimes, I've also taken Gaviscon before I go to bed if the indigestion/heartburn has been that bad! No problems... if you're not sure, pop and see your GP. I'm sure they will be happy to prescribe some for you as you definitely need something if on Preds for upto 3 weeks and more - that's the one side-effect of steroids that's a pain!!
Hi Jayenne, thanks very much for the info,I am really glad I joined BLF, It helps to know your not alone,
Hi flibberti, thanks again, will check in tomoro and update on the heartburn issue,after seeing Dr. logging off now
I was given Omeprazole, it's supposed to help protect your tum from all the different drugs you take. I do get indigestion with antib's and pred though and it's stopped that. I always take it separately to other meds and learned to my cost not to take it late on at night as it made me very sick on 3 occasions in the night that went on for hours. I eventually realised what was causing it and it hasn't happened since. Maybe it was just me, but never again! x
While your waiting to see your dr you could try a glass of ice cold milk it works for me.
Hi Maryj, I suffer with acid, & I,m on Antibiotics & steroids at the moment, I also have to take many other meds that have instructions not to take indigestion remedies for two hrs either side of dose, in despair I went to chemist & asked what am I to do! It,s the Galviscon that must be avoided as this contains zinc& chalk, which prevents the absorbsion of other meds, so I was told yes take your Omeprazole, but not Galviscon until I have a gap between my Gabapentin tablets, I take those for nerve pain!! so I suffer a little less, but it is just one of lifes little irritants we sickys have to find our way around
Good Luck, & check with your Chemist, just to be doubly sure
Karen xxxx
I've got a hernia, & IBS, so although I take opps its Ranatidine, sorry, its Hubby that has the other, (tired is my excuse) I also take Mebeverine to hurry food through my tum & I,m not supposed to eat anything after 6pm. but still get acid washing round at bed time, I,ve had at least 6 endoscopies but apart from hernia, nothing found!! I've always been different xxxx
Yes when i was on steroids for 2 years I took the whole shooting match at once too!
Hello again flibberti,it's lansoprazole that the Dr has given me 30mg, and it has done the trick today, I shall make sure I take it each time I have a flare up & on the preds and antibiotics,as it's becoming a way of life now, keep as well as possible,you guys on here are amazing
Thanks Stitch, Dr has given me Lansoprazole,it's worked today and hope it keeps doing the trick,Gavisgon is something I cant take, thanks for all your help
drinking hot water is as good as anything
i have the same as you and when i was in hospital they gave me galveston
I even get gastric problems after a sip of water!!

Hi poemsgalore, how horrible for you, hope it gets sorted soon Maryj
when i was in hospital they gave me gaveston