Went to the Docs today just to ask if they had had a letter from UHSM. They had not - but then it is only 2 weeks. Saw a new Doc (in training) so he did peak flow and listened to lungs and was surprised how wheezy I was and my peak flow down 100 points! So back on the oxytetracycline 2 tablets 4 times a day. doing my penultimate spit pot last thing this evening and then one tomorrow afternoon. so will delay starting the antibiotics until Wed morning.
Lovely afternoon we have doors and windows open at the moment to let the heat out but so cold Saturday night we had condensation along the bottom of the bedroom windows on Sunday morning. Not much warmer this morning either.
Hope everyone is well and happy? Busy again this week have now got something on for very day! I am off to have my shower now and work my self up to doing the spit pot - again.
Love and hugs to you all.