Mild Bronchiectasis recent diagnosis,... - Lung Conditions C...

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Mild Bronchiectasis recent diagnosis, anyone elso been told they have this? Anyone else fatigued, back ache,chest ache, phlegm stuck?

Trinite profile image
15 Replies

I am seeing chest consultant this week, what should I ask him? Been on antibiotics for 10 weeks, made no difference.

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Trinite profile image
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15 Replies
O2Trees profile image

I dont have bronchiectasis Trinite, but my sister in law has had it since teenage years. She asked a question on this site and got a lot of good advice for which she was very grateful so Im sure a lot of people with be along soon to help you. Good luck, jean

If you are seeing your chest consultant, he could refer you for a chest X ray and lung function.

It seems you have on going chest infections, have you had a sputum specimen sent off for the appropriate antibiotic.

Pulmonary rehab classes would be useful. I am sure there is something else but somebody will come to remind me!

zube-UK profile image

Hello Trinite, I have lifelong bronchiectasis and I get those symptoms you describe when I have a chest infection.

It is good that you will be seeing the chest consultant soon but really he needs to specialize in cf/bronchiectasis.

As well as a chest Xray and lung function test he will probably refer you to the lung physio nurses to be taught how to clear the secretions from your chest, ask him to do this if not. They may also issue you with an acapella device to help you loosen the mucus/secretions, I use one as well as 2 other gadgets which I find even more effective.

He should also give you sputum pots in envelopes for you to use and hand in at your gp's to be sent off to the lab so they know which bacteria to treat, some need different types of antibiotic to be effective. Ask for these pots.

Everything you describe should ease up a lot when you are shown how to manage this condition, don't worry you will feel much better with the right treatment and info, I'm sure there will be more suggestions.

Best of luck with your consultant, su.

cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi Trinite

Sorry you have bronchiectasis but good you are here. Yes I have bronch, had it sine I was a baby. One thing I would just like to say is mild, moderate or severe - it makes no difference as our aim is the same i.e. to keep our lungs as clear as possible and to treat infections soon as to help prevent any deterioration.

I assume you have had a ct scan but not sure if this was arranged by your GP or consultant, so not sure if this is your first visit to cons.

Consultations are usually pretty similar, although they can vary from doc to doc. Usually you will be weighed, followed by spirometry (blowing into a tube to check your lung function). All done by nurse.

Cons will take your medical history and examine you. There are a few things you might want to ask him/her, but you will find they will cover some of the questions you have in any event.

Cons may want to arrange further tests bloods, full lung function tests. If they want a sweat test (to iliminate cystic fibrosis) don't be alarmed, it just means you have a proactive consultant.

You may want to ask to be referred to a respiratory physiotherapist who will teach you different techniques and gadgets to help clear your lungs and you will hopefully find one which suits you best.

You say your gunk is difficult to move so cons may prescribe a mucus thinner or arrange for you to have a nebuliser to neb a bronchodilator and saline (saline draws water into the lungs and helps to loosen the gunk).

He will probably arrange to have a sample of sputum, even though you are on antibiotics, especially as you have been on them for 10 weeks and infection is no better.

I would also ask if it would be of benefit for you to have a supply of antibiotics at home to start if an infection kicks off over the holiday period or weekend, if you feel comfortable knowing when to take them at this stage.

I would write things down as you don't really get that long. Keep you notes short -bullet points or you will lose you way and forget stuff.

You might want to take someone with you in case you miss stuff. I prefer to go to alone, but it is personal choice and may be helpful on a first visit.

What I haven't covered I am sure someone will be along to help you soon.

Good luck

Love cx

Trinite profile image

Thanks to all replies so far, this will be my third visit to the consultant, last visit was when I got proscribed the antibiotics, he wanted to see if they cured it. hasn't worked. Am def going to be much better prepared when I see him with all the advice received so far, v useful ta v much.

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply toTrinite

Sad to say hun nothing will cure bronchiectasis. I assume you mean it hasn't cleared up your infection. Push for referral to physio - it's the most important thing we can do for ourselves.

love cx

123podmore profile image

i stop take antibiotics they don't work for me any more

123podmore profile image

i stop take antibiotics they don't work for me any more

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to123podmore

are you talking about one particular abtibiotic podmore or every antibiotic

My Husband suffers with severe COPD and I am not sure I can give you much help.

I would advise that you ring the BLF helpline before you visit the consultant - they could give you some good advise on what to ask the consultant etc.

When my husband has problems with phlegm sticking in his chest - he uses saline in the nebuliser which sometimes helps and also uses a "flutter" device which does seem to help. We got it from the internet and seems to create a vibration in the chest which loosens it.

Good luck TAD xx

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to

If it breaks Tad you can now get a flutter on prescription from your GP.

love cx

appyalison profile image

Hi Trinite, don't have bronchiectasis myself but good advice above. I would ring Blf nurses, for number click on red balloon. Good luck. :-) :-) Alison

mustcarryon profile image

Yes I get all of the problems you have. It's very difficult trying to explain to friends exactly how you feel. I can only sympathise with you.

Nahla123 profile image


I have mild bronchiectasis and late onset allergic asthma. I had repeat infections. It's very important they take sputum samples so they know what bugs they are dealing with. They then know which antibiotic is best for you. I was given augmentin for infections but later found out i had pseudomonas which needs to be treated with a different antibiotic.

Ask about seeing a physio. I use an acapella which really helps loosen mucus in the lungs when I have an infection.

I also have hyper-inflation which can cause chest pain. this can be detected through lung function tests.

Good luck with your apt...ask lots of questions....make notes....i have to......i always forget what i've been told!

Trinite profile image

Hi flibberti, consultant gave me steroids, they are working a treat, wish someone had given them to me a year ago!

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