I was told some time ago that I had COPD but didn't hear anything further until my last check up with the surgeon who operated on me for Cancer. During my apointment he (the surgeon) said "I see that you have emphysema". That was the first I had heard of it, and, where the diagnosis came from I have no clue whatsoever.
Over Christmas I had to have the Ambulance Service attend me at home (fabulous people) and I was advised then that I had had an acute asthma attack.
Since that time (Christmas) I have been to see my GP and it was decided that I should have investigations to determine the cause of the COPD and a spirometry test.
My appointment for the spirometry was yesterday and I turned up to see the Nurse at the Surgery.
(I've managed to miss a bit out! Doh! A week or so ago I had problems which I asked about on this forum. I was given antibiotics and something for indigestion/possible ulcer from my GP.)
When I attended yesterday for my test I was told that I would have to be clear of the antibiotics for about four-six weeks before I could take the test. I must admit that the GP who gave me the antibiotics noticed my appointment for the test and said that I may not be able to take it - my fault, I should have phoned first.
Anyway, I feel really disappointed. I can't say that I am going to love being given confirmation that I have emphysema or asthma but I do need to know what it is so that I can deal with it as best I can.
I think not knowing is worse than knowing.