Ive had a letter from my hospital for me to go and have a lung function test. What does it consist of?
What is a Lung Function Test - Lung Conditions C...
What is a Lung Function Test

Hi there, someone will be along very soon to explain far better than I (I waffle).
I've had one lot and wasn't concerned about any of it. The technicians were very professional & explained everthing. Having another go on 28th August.
Good luck - and welcome to BLF
Hi irenec, lung function tests are in simple terms, blowing into a mouth piece on the end of a tube, to test how well your lungs work or determine a diagnosis.It is not easy and often takes a while and practice to get a good reading. But the respiratory nurses are very supportive and helpful, and the test is necessary if you have lung illnesses.
I had one in 2011 and another one just last month.
Basically its a tube hooked up to a very fancy computer.
The nurse I had was fantastic, she told me how to blow into the tube and encouraged me to do my best.
Once you finish the lung function test, ask for a print out of the results.
Best one to tell you what the results mean is your own doctor however if you get the results you can always ask questions here or call the BLF team.
I was always told the closer you are to the 100 mark the better, I was also told that the fev1 fev result is a good indicator of how healthy your lungs are, 80% or above is near normal lung function.
Emphysema is based on 4 stages and the % of the fev1 fev indicates what stage you may be classed at.
But again life is all based on how are you all round.
You can also research sprirmority test/lung function test.
Good luck.
There are the lung function tests you have at GPs and at hospital clinics which usually consist of spirometry (explained above) and peak flows.
If you have a request from the hospital for lung function test specifically I would think it would be the full lung function test. You will be in a room with a technician. You will just sit in a see through chamber and pretty much just be asked to blow through tubes, sometimes the method will vary. At one point for a second or two they close the door, but not to worry it is transparent. It takes about 10 minutes. Then you take two puffs of a bronchodilator and wait outside for 20 minutes. When you go back in you do exactly the same again. As well as all the other useful info they get the can also see if there is any reversal after taking a bronchodilator.
Really nothing at all to worry about.
Good luck
It's called a Plethysmograph.
The first paragraph in the link explains about the lung one.
Never had one before this year but have had several since February. People are very pleasant and tests involve blowing, holding breath and blowing for as long as poss. You'll be fine. Alison
You just sit in a 'Phone Box' blow into a mouthpiece and are urged to 'not stop blowing' until you are about to collapse !