How many others are like me ?.....severe or very severe emphysema, where Ventolin (or its generics) have very little impact or benefit on my laboured breathing. It hasn't worked for a long time and so I am reliant on my Spiriva and Symbicort.
Ventolin: How many others are like me... - Lung Conditions C...

I also have very severe emphysema. I've no idea if the Ventolin works or not to be honest. I don't seem to breathe much easier after taking it.
It dosn't seem to make any difference in helping me breath, goodness knows if it's doing any good.
Lib x
I'm moderate and it doesn't do much for me on the whole. The only time I can notice that it helps is if I have a chest infection.
Lynne xx
I have asthma, not emphysema, but I find if I take too much of any bronchodilators including Ventolin that my chest gets tighter and my peak flow goes works at don't know if there is a rebound effect. I have to balance my use with steroid medication.
But I always try and keep an inhaler at hand as it is a life saver in an emergency..but not in the long term...for me anyway...but everyone reacts differently to different drugs.
Not a great one for me either(ventolin) Symbicort,spiariva did it for me,till things took a turn for the worse,& onbrez was added,which made a great difference.
Hi Martin, I am emphysema stage 4 and found Ventolin to be a complete waste of time.
Regards, Bobby
I also find it does not help at all
I have moderate and also find it's no benefit to me.
I don't feel as though it does anything at all.
I use only if I cannot control my breathing pattern because I also have Atrial Fribbulation and to much ventolin will make my heart misbehave
Join the club. When first diagnosed in 94, it was prescribed and definitely helped, provided you could handle the extreme shakes and terrible oral thrush. Then I forget which year, they changed the propellant and the delivery puff was absolutely useless. I soldiered on but felt it did nothing. Now on Spiriva and Sereteide with Ventolin as PRN
but rarely used.
Hi Martin, I have severe emphesyma and I find Ventoiln does help most of the time.
I also use Spiriva and Seretide 250.
Thanks. Adrian
Hi, I am stage 4 emphysema and find Ventolin has no effect on my breathing whilst Brycanil (sp?) actually makes my breathing worse. I only use inhalers developed for emphysema, rather than asthma.
what are those inhalers Toci?
I am taking ventolin but everyone seems to be saying it does not work, so why do gp's put people with emphysema on ventolin if it doesn't work.

Ventolin is a bronchodilator, which is effective only on the reversible component of airflow obstruction, but COPD is characterized by a fixed or poorly reversible airflow obstruction. For COPD, a long-acting Γ2 agonist (LABA) is usually prescribed. As far as I am aware, the main inhaler prescribed for people with COPD is Spiriva. Some use other long-acting (24hr) inhalers such as Breezhaler or Onbrez and I am positive I have not listed anywhere near all of them. Then there are the combination inhalers many use, which include a steroid component. Your best step here is probably to ring the BLF on Monday (03000 030 555) and check it out with them. Good luck with it. x
Hi I was on Ventolin at one time for copd and one of my doctor took me off Ventolin he is a asthma specialist and told me that Ventolin is for Asthma and not copd
I got GP to take Ventolin off my repeats as it was no use at all. Unlike most others my combo one is Fostair (plus Spiriva of course) and I was told that if I was really struggling to use my Fostair an extra time in the day (not often).
Have yet to go for my annual check (usually around Oct) but I have a Piko6 spirometer at home and though my FEV1/FVC hasn't changed much my overall FVC has dropped from around 240 to only 190 and am coughing more. Not enough to have me rushing to GPs though! I hate going