It's been a long time since I've been on here, this is due to my father's condition becoming worse. It has been confirmed that the Cancer has returned and this time he isn't having any treatment (and I respect that) He's getting a lot of help now from his Macmillan nurse and his Palliative care nurse. He's got a hospital bed at home now and knows he hasn't got all the time in the world left. I'm with him everyday now although it's getting harder as I'm just starting a new job. I'm just so grateful for all the support I have been getting and know I'm strong enough for the both of us.
Update On My Dad: It's been a long time... - Lung Conditions C...
Update On My Dad

Terribly sorry to hear your news. It may be hard to accept his decision of quality of life over quantity, & I'm sure the nurses will not only be there for him, but for you also during this time. Judy x
Really sad to hear your news Laura and massive respect for your obvious caring and strong character. With warm, warm wishes to your and your Dad. xx
What a harsh world we live in. It makes me feel a little ashamed about my own moans and groans when I hear this kind of message and see the grand way in which you are supporting your father. I wish you all you would wish yourselves. Respect. xx
Laura, I'm so sorry to hear your news and really feel for you. It sounds as though everything is in place to give hime the best quality of the life he has left. How wonderful he has a loving daughter by his side.
My children lost their father two & half years ago to bone cancer. The Macmillan Nurses were wonderful, not only to him but to them too.
We are lucky enough to have a Maggie's centre attached to the hospital where my girls went often and who offered counsellling. Is there one near you?
Very good luck with your new job. It might be tough but if your Dad is anything like my Bob, he'll be really keen for you to do well, be happy and will be pleased for you even if he cant express it very well.
All the best to you and your Dad. peeg xxxx
Laura, I am sorry to hear about your Dad. It must be very hard on you being his career and also going out to work. I assume someone helps during the time you are at work. Maybe they even help so you can have a bit of time to do 'your own thing' now and again.
Thinking of you.
That should read carer and not career!!!
Hello Laura, really sorry to hear this, think of all the good times nothing can take that away.
warmly Richard.
Hullo there Laura.
I have looked at your post several times and gone away again. I didn't know what to say. I still don't know what to say to give you any comfort. I just want you to know that in the coming days I will be thinking of you. I hope you can stay as strong as you seem at the moment.
All my love
Bobby xxxxx
Hallo Laura,I do remember you,& have wondered how your Dad is,& yourself of course.
So sorry to hear your news,it will be tough,for the both of you,do look after yourself too,as you are going to need all your strength,for the both of you.
Your Dad must be so proud of you,you have always been a very caring daughter.
My prayers & love,go to the both of you,
Gentle hugs to you & Dad,
Love Wendells xxx
Just want to add my sympathy for the time you going through presently and to wish you well in your new job, it must be a comfort to your Dad that you both have such good support, Macmillan nurses are second to none, angels in disguise and your Dad is Blessed to have a wonderful caring and loving daughter,keeping you both in my prayers,huff x