Today has been a good day for me. Perhaps I am tempting fate being happy about it.
I went to the Doctors' Surgery today and was given a new medicine - a 'Qvar Easi-Breathe' inhaler which I have already used and I am breathing more easily!!!
My son, David, telephoned me to say that he had an interview with Esso today and has been offered the job he was after. He has finished his six months of chemotherapy and is due to see a Surgeon on 28 May (the day after his birthday) for the result of his latest scan and to discuss 'joining' his bowel.
Beryl, my friend who lives in Mullion is back home after spending a week in the John Radcliffe Hospital, in Oxford. She has bone cancer and has had removed three ribs and part of her diaphram. She told me off (!!!!!!) for making her laugh because she said that it hurts to laugh.
Today has been a good day. I hope that it has been as good for all my good friends on this forum.