But if your hearing gets worse as you get older how come the music in the shops gets louder and louder?
Absolutely nothing to do with anythin... - Lung Conditions C...
Absolutely nothing to do with anything that s gone on before

It's one of the inexplicable afflictions that nature bestows upon us as we get older, like losing hair where it should be and gaining it in places it shouldn't be. This could be the start of a very good blog ..............................
I used to work in a care home for residents with debilitating dementia. They never knew their own names, never mind anyone in their family; couldn't remember if they'd had any visitors, seconds after visitors leaving; couldn't remember eating - even with a half finished plate of food in front of them..... so, what I'd like to know ..... Is how the heck were they able to remember to push that buzzer when they needed assistance, eh? Worked there for five years, no one was able to answer that question.....

This takes me back to a previous blog of mine when I questioned 'Selective memory'
Have I sent this yet?
Agree with you Libby top of head definately showing through but on the other hand or chin to be precise beard seems to sprout through while I watch
I have found my arms have got shorter because I can no longer reach the back of the shelves
No pet xx thats because as you get older,,you shrink in height,,i used to be 6ft 6inch,,,down to 6ft 1inch now xxxhahahahahahah thats because i cant where heels any more xxxx
Whoops should be stairs not stars sorry
When do you stop looking chique and get the mutton dressed as lamb look. Used to be OK but daughter doesn't live here anymore. I realise the Gaga wig says I have not grown up but that was for a reason!
I think they play all the boom boom music the children like the noise would not be so bad if they played real music as loud as they liked and we can sing along with real tunes.

I d probably scare all the customer s away if I started singing still they might pay me to go away could be a little earner.
I was feeling quite giddy and unwell recently and went to see my GP amongst other things I asked him to have a look into my ears.Nothing wrong with them all clear.I insistead that there was and so he made an appointment for me to see the nurse and he gave me a prescription for olive oil to be put into my ears.Nothing wrong Eh?Off to see nurse one week later ,she takes a look into my left ear,completely blocked right ear has an amount of dried skin building up.Bless her she tried to clean them.but failed.''How long have you been putting olive oil in?''
Me ''One week''.''Should be two weeks'' she says''Sorry but GP made the appointment'' says I
Off I go home for another two weeks,back to nurse and she flushes out the dry skin and removes a solid lump of wax about the size of half a peanut.''Thank you nurse'' says I ''Goodbye and thank you'' HELLO HELLO you have left your hearing aids behind''
I hadnoyt used them for three years after a similar mishap
Because of my age ,I have been advised to put olive oil in my ears every two weeks to remove debris
Would agree as in asda today and it was blaring out..
Because as you get older your hearing though perhaps not quite so good becomes much more sensitive to loud noises. I think this is biological. I have found this to be so true.
bev x