Hi does anyone out there know if COPD... - Lung Conditions C...

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Hi does anyone out there know if COPD or the medication can cause memory loss?

16 Replies
16 Replies
azaard profile image

Sorry wot was question, don't know but mines terrible lately but been on meds for years

raptor profile image

I am afraid that is just age,,,its great though,,i keep getting surprises all day had 2 lunches today,, :)

Sorry don't mean to sound rude my grans suffered for many years now and we've noticed lately that she is getting more and more chest infections and colds and seems to be going downhill at the moment and we've noticed she is quite confused and forgetful not sure if its age or to do with her condition and she is very stubborn she would be mad at us for querying but we are really concerned .

SeasideSusie profile image

LOL at the previous answers, but if you want a serious one.......... how old is she? My mother is 89 and a few years ago there were episodes of forgetfulness and confusion and things have gradually got worse. She is part way through assessment for dementia. If you are seriously worried then I would talk to your family and try and get them on side and try and get the ball rolling with your nan being checked out. First step would be her GP and he may do a mini memory test. The earlier dementia can be recognised the better, there is medication that can slow it down, my friend helps care for a gentleman who has been on medication for a number of years and he has not progressed as quickly as he probably would have if it had not been recognised and treatment started so soon.

Another thing that can cause confusion, that can be mistaken for signs of dementia, is a urinary infection. That's not a possibility is it?

Thanks Susie she's 78 this year, she's been fine up until the start of this year and that's when she took a chest infection virus and flu even though she had her flu jab and she's took another chest infection lately she gets all her stories mixed up and forgets you've told her things and gets angry when you try to tell her that she's wrong we thought it could be her condition as she has been really run down but really starting to think we have to have a chat and get her checked over as you say the earlier these things are picked up the better thanks for your help :-)

raptor profile image
raptor in reply to

Very sorry for being flipant did not know the full story,,it would be better if you had a word with her gp..If he or she is a good gp they could just pop in at a time when you would be there,,well thats what your gran would be told by the gp,, and they could asses her,, thats how we got around that bit,,as she would not go xx :)

jandan profile image


The COPD is unlikely to be causing your Mums memory loss but it could be aggravating it. You say your Mum has been poorly a lot, well when you are low you become not only physically low but mentally low too. If your Mum has an underlaying memory problem then I am presuming that it could be worsened by the depression that always being poorly is there even though we try to deny it. My suggestion would be to try and have a word with someone more qualified in this area and if you ring the BLF help line I am sure they would be able to point you in the right direction.

Regardless your love and concern will be helpful to her and she is lucky to have you



As seaside susie mentioned a urinary tract infection can cause memory problems and confusion and even hallucinations. My friends nan was poorly like this for weeks and weeks when she was in her late 80's and when it was finally diagnosed and treated she made a full recovery. I think I would want that ruled out first.

Anna xx


Another thing that no one seems to have mentioned is that her oxygen sats may be low and that could also contribute to memory loss...just an afterthought.

Good luck,



in reply to

I must agree. Pre-diagnosis I honestly thought I was losing my mind or suffering from early onset dementia - I was suffering severe breathlessness and low oxygen sats. My memory and concentration levels have improved vastly since diagnosis and medication.

Marie x

richardcrossroads profile image

I would have thought that first that oxygen depletion will affect the memory, so does thyroid deficiency, vitamin d can as well, so I would have thought a request for a series of blood tests to cover these areas your first step, B12 is also important,

I know 4 /5 years ago I was in this sort of dilemma and this was the line taken eventually now, after extensive blood test I moved from someone who was prepared for death to a active person, the problem I see is that GP's only have ten to twenty minuets with you they see hundreds of patients and no one real skill other that diagnosis, and run of the mill ailments and there treatments, and an unwillingness to refer as they may be laughed at by their peers.

so I feel you must press your request hard, this is what I did but it took several visits

best of luck

James48 profile image

Sorry - I forgot what the question was lol!! - Seriously, this article is interesting :)


Hi Lisa

I hope you can arrange to go with your Gran to the doctors so the doc can check her out, the doc will know what questions to ask your Gran to try and pin point the possible cause and arrange for tests to be carried out. Her current symptoms could be down to any number of things and her doc is probably the best person to help in this situation.

It will be helpful to your Gran and the doctor I think if you can go with her for extra support and as an extra voice and ears. If you can't persuade your Gran to see the doctor perhaps you can phone her doctor and ask what you can do and explain what's been happening.

Sorry you didn't stay with us to let us know how you / your gran gets on, I'm just responding to you in case you may come back and read this any way. Take no notice of some of the yokers, they sometimes forget this community is not all about joking. ;)

Hope all works out for you and your gran..

Good wishes D

latingirlshyp profile image

i dont no if it the meds or the lack of oxygen , but i start staking vitimain d and it helps with that get your b check too

chrissyk profile image

oooo this interesting x can lacking vitamin d n b cause memory loss cause my hubby gettin forgetfull he on oxygen it gettin that bad its getting to be a battle of wills between us n the arguements well thats another story lolol x it not only his forgetfulness he can reduce me t tears at the drop of a hat x thx for allowin me to have a little rant x x memories x

kenellcla profile image

In 2001 I had pneumonia and was in hospital. The cause was never fully found as there were hygiene problems in that hospital, and I was told that I would get better faster at home. After that I was discharged, because I complained that the toilets were a disgrace, as they were filthy. 6 months later the government had that wing closed down and rebuilt, but that did not help me.

After that I kept getting continuous chest infections, and was told that I had asthma. However after moving and seeing a new doctor who looked back on my notes, had three, chest X-rays done within a year, I was told that it was COPD and not asthma.

After the Pnuemonia I could that I had lots of short term memory problems, and ended up losing my job.

My memory is just as bad these days, and I am wondering if there is any link between COPD and memory problems like this.

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