Does anyone know why bronchiectasis d... - Lung Conditions C...
Does anyone know why bronchiectasis doesn't come under the copd umbrella?

Some do include it.
Logically it should be included. It's a pulmonary disease, it's obstructive and it's chronic . . .
Thanks for that stilltruckin, I agree it should be included with the rest, and not just be some. Do you know why it isn't always included. Do they think it isn't severe enough or what? Thanks for that.
Its because one is a narrowing of the airways and the other is a widening of the airways.
Hope this helps.
So how does this work out for people who have both ? Some airways widened, some narrowed ??

I think it's another part that is affected, not sure myself.How about asking the BLF helpline? Toci seems to have it in one!
"Airway obstruction occurs in chronic bronchitis because the swelling and excessive mucus production cause the inside of the breathing tubes to be narrower than normal. The narrowing of the airways prevents the normal amount of air from reaching the lungs. The amount of narrowing is measured with a breathing test called spirometry."
"The "obstruction" in emphysema is because the breathing tubes tend to collapse on exhalation, preventing you from getting the normal amount of air out of your lungs. This is a result of the loss of stable alveolar walls, which normally hold the breathing tubes open as your exhale. As it is difficult to push all of the air out of the lungs, they do not empty efficiently and therefore contain more air than normal."
"Bronchiectasis is a permanent enlargement of the bronchi and bronchioles. The enlarged airways produce abnormal amounts of mucus, which can block (obstruct) the breathing passages. Bronchiectasis may occur after severe pneumonia. While bronchiectasis may at first appear to be COPD, the evaluation and treatment are different."
Thanks Toci ,
A really full , easy to understand yet concise description of all 3 conditions .
Cheers Coastal.
Toci, Thanks SO much for this reply, it has been very helpful to me.
I have had Bronchiectasis since a baby...both lower lobes out at 15..& 16 and lived a long & active life just having repeated ( about 4 or 5 a year) chest infections treated with ab's...until my breathing got worse. About 3 years ago I was put under care of a cons & I know also have severe Emphysema & severe stage 3 COPD.
I had not appreciated the difference between the 2...until the last time I saw a new registrar she said to me ...that although I have both Copd & Bronc I should be treated mainly as a bronch patient. I had no realised then there was a difference until reading this Thread
I am on 3 times a week azithromycin ( for the bronch) twice daily symbicort ( for the bronch)
Spiriva ( for the COPD)
I am going to discuss with my cons next time I go if Spiriva is the right inhaler for Bronch.
What do you think?
I am getting the feeling that with Bronch, that multiple chest infections & the getting up of the mucous are the main priorities , while with COPD it is keeping the airways open and clear .
Exercise of course being great for both
Thanks again for the Post
Hi Sohara
I have asthma and mild bronchiectasis, I started on symbicort which helped but still coughed a lot until consultant add spiriva which made a huge difference so now on both plus azythromycin daily. Seems to do the trick most of the time although I am struggling a bit at the moment.
Hope that helps.

Hi Liz .If your asthma & bronch are both just mild, it seems strange that you are on daily azithromycin and both inhalers the same as me, because I am severe stage in mine.
But if its working then brilliant news Liz
Long may it continue to work for you
Love Sohara
I'm on spiriva for Bronc and seratide 500 for copd as I'm 1 of the greedy patients with both
hi annliz1. I know how you feel because I am on seretide 500 and ventolin for asthma. Recently started on Spiriva and Mucodyne for copd, and am still waiting to be investigated for bronchiectasis and/ or some other respiratory condition, as my doctor thinks there is something else going on. It gets a bit disheartening at times especially when you are unsure of other possible diagnoses. I hope you keep as well as possible. If you are greedy, what does that make me? lol
I carry the ventolin everywhere and take as needed huggs, I try to avoid going into Penzance and St Ives as much as possible as it's all up hill so need a few puffs and a lot of stops, having arthritis doesn't help either but hey ho the price of living in such a gorgeous place as Cornwall
Take it easy
Hi Ann, I agree you have no choice but to carry the ventolin everywhere. I always have two of them. One is always in the house and one in my bag. You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. Although I have never been there I have seen plenty of it on tv and magazines etc. I too, live on a beautiful island in Scotland. Its not too hilly, but I can't walk very far anyway at the moment although I am hoping that will improve. Have a nice Easter. hugs xx
Correct my Bronch is from whooping cough and is not under the same umbrella.
I have Restrictive Lung Disease which seem to come under LWI (Live with it) but from what I read it does seem that COPD is a narrowing of the air ways but Bronchiectasis is a widening.
I used to have Bronchitis at least 3 times a year when I was at school told I was asthmatic in my 20's and RLD in my late 50's
It does, mustcarryon. I was diagnosed in 2011 from a CT scan with 'bronchiectasis' and it has been referred to on all my medical letters from consultants and on my GP files as a COPD. I am treated as having COPD, with the obligatory flu jabs (I am in my 50s by the way) and a 10 year pneumonia jab. There has been no differentiation made between bronchiectasis and COPD as it is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We bronchiectasis -ites (I made that term up!) have a COPD. Best wishes to you.
Offcut , I think it may be possible that you did have bronchiectasis when you were young. I was told it was very hard to diagnose it... I had a cough at school and at 12 was sent to a chest clinic... then at 14 they sent me to UCH which did a broncoscope and bronchogram and from that they made the diagnoses.. You were lucky that did not happen you to, because the treatment then was to removed the lower lobes of both lungs, which they thought would cure it, of course it doesn't ...just leaves you with less lungs for a lifetime
But they did not have CT scans then which is the other way they can make the diagnoses
Excellent information here - thanks Toci and others - this forum is way more valuable then a doctor's visit
Excellent information Toci. Sohara, I have bronchiectasis but not COPD and I have always used Spiriva (handi haler) as well as Seretide 250 and Salbutomol.
I was told by consultant that my bronch (due to whooping cough at 11 months) was clinically silent until the last few years when the constant coughing and infections started caused by hamophilus bacetria. I am now 70. Anyone else told this? It's a minefield isn't it but thank you all for brill explanations. love fleur x
I have a relative who had one lung removed at the age of 4 because of Bronchiectasis. She's in her 60s and that seems to have been the solution then. Luckily it was her left lung so she was at least left with the larger of the two! I lived with the label of 'asthma' for a few years - this was changed to COPD because I had smoke when younger even though I gave up over 30 years ago, and eventually a Consultant said "You haven't got COPD at all, it's Bronchiectasis". It's amazing what they can see on HDCT scan! My colonised infection is Pseudomonas Aeruginosa which flares up occasionally. We learn a lot along the way don't we? Thanks everyone.
I had always assumed that it's because Bronchiectasis isn't related to smoking whereas most of the other conditions are.
I agree with argana, this forum is better than a visit to any doctor's. I've learned a lot today, it's been a real eye opener, some of the stories are awful. sohara having lower lobes removed, and Claudine's relative having a lung removes at the age of 4. The mind boggles. I want to say thank you to everyone for their stories and information.
Agreed and thanx all. So many understand just exactly what we go thro. It's so reassuring to know that. love fleur x
It dose come under c.o.p.d. Anything with breathing problems comes under it ok.
What a brilliant, useful and interesting post. How did I miss this first time round!
Hello one and all.I've not been on here recently as I feel I've been jumping through Hoops to get to the Root causes of my problems.Last September 2015, I had a Chest X Ray and Bloods, following a persistent Cough and produces small Pellets of Sputum,,no follow up needed I was told.This spring the Cough was bothering me again, small amounts of Sputum.Chest X Ray came back as Enlarged Heart,and Mild C.O.P.D.My G P, more keen to sort the Cardiac Issues.I saw a Cardiologist on 6th September, who said I had 2Heart Valves, leaking very slightly, as not causing symptoms no treatment needed, only 1Yearly Cardiac Scans to monitor it.He advised my Heart was not enlarged, but fat around my Heart, which was working very well.I mentioned the mild c.o.p.d on the X,Ray, his words, I don't think you have c.o.p.d, I believe the chest pains, breathlessness and cough are gastric related, i.e.: GERD, asked my GP to refer me to Gastroenterology, I have an Hiatus Hernia, and some Acid ,taking Omeprazole, which I asked the GP for.Last week felt more tired than ever, my Cough and sputum changed so off to see my GP, prescribed 500 mg, Clarithromicin 2dAily for 7 Days,Chest Infection presumably.Whilst there he dictated a Respiratory Referral,query Bronchiectasis, despite my SpirometryTests being completely normal he said its inconclusive.Totally confused to be honest.Hope I feel better and coughing less after my Antibiotics finish.Feelingcfrightened, what is the treatment and prognosis for Bronchiectatis,Sorry to be bothering you all.Carole, 1044 1934.
I have bronchiectasis but I call it COPD. It's a lot easier to spell and people don't look at you funny when you say it.