I was give this when I got covid it's left me to breathing problems a year in I got covid again I was supposed to have a spirow monitor but I've not been because I'm so scared the salamol always stop I clean them once a week I've to ring my doctor's for a new one but they want give me another one I do a lot of walking I think the doctors is unreasonable I only have one what can I do if my salamol doesn't work
Julie salamol: I was give this when I... - Asthma Community ...
Julie salamol

Salamol is an emergency medication if you are breathless. . The reason they want you to have a spirometer test is to check whether there is an underlying cause for breathlessness. For example has Covid triggered asthma in you?
The other inhaler they want you to have/try is probably a preventative inhaler. They would like to get breathing issues more under control so that you don’t need Salamol as often.
Doctors are actually being very good in treating you, asking for tests and wanting you to be as well as possible.

Hello, sorry to hear you are having difficulty with your symptoms, you can always give our helpline a call and speak to of our nurses for advice on 0300 222 5800 (Monday - Friday 9-5)
Keep the case of yr old one so you've a working one if other blocks
I think many people were given a salamol inhalers when struggling with covid symptoms (coughing and breathlessness). It simply helps to open your airways when you’re struggling to breathe and is not intended for daily use.
Your gp is not being unreasonable, they are trying to help you by finding out what is causing your breathing problems and you need to see them for a correct diagnosis.
If they think you have asthma you may need a Spirometry test and possibly a FeNo test to confirm diagnosis. Both of these are non-invasive, fairly quick and easy and although they may leave you feeling a bit tired immediately afterwards, they do not hurt.
If you are diagnosed with asthma you will be put on a treatment plan with a different inhaler/s to help control your symptoms and will be seen/monitored by an asthma nurse or your gp until your symptoms improve and then at regular intervals.
Surely it is better to get a proper diagnosis and therefore the correct treatment than be scared all the time and unmedicated.