I posted 2 weeks ago about having pneumonia and got some really helpful replies so thank you. I’m 25, asthmatic and started feeling poorly on 17th Jan. I have been back and forwards to the doctors & hospital, had 14 days of antibiotics now and feeling much better with regards to the coughing, chest pain, mucus etc. I no longer have to use salbutamol every 4 hrs, have my qvar daily though.
However, I have been off work 3 weeks and due to go back Monday, 9am.
The tiredness/fatigue I’m feeling is unbelievable. I can’t wake up in a morning, even if someone wakes me up I’m just so foggy and out of it. I end up going back to sleep, waking around 11am.
Is this normal for recovering from pneumonia? Could it be there’s still some infection even though I am feeling better with the symptoms?
Is there anything I can do to help? I’m taking vitamins, eating healthy, drinking lots of fluids. I just don’t know how I will go back to a normal routine so soon with the way I feel. Any advice is appreciated