hi is anyone one else suffering from a bad cough I have had a course of steroids and it still will not clear it
Cough: hi is anyone one else suffering... - Asthma Community ...

I would go back to your medic. It is also worth having a chat with the asthma UK helpline on 0300 2225800.
It is normal for the first attempt to not always everything clear up.
Yes,lots of persistent coughsdoing the rounds ths year& lingering - even in people without lung probs. I'm keeping on top of inhalers& nebulisers. X
There's a lot going round at the moment and a few have said that they have had this cold/cough for about 2 weeks of not longer and takes ages to clear. It's a lot colder out too which probably isn't helping xxxxx
Yes - From November I ended up with an extended course of steroids and three lots of antibiotics and I still have a slight cough. I think my lungs are just battered and unhappy now. 😕 I'd suggest going back to the GP and definitely be careful in the present cold weather x
Yes, almost 2 weeks now. On antibiotics, but I think it's viral. On steroids too. I'm just getting better. It's been horrible, pain in my R lung and ribs ache from coughing, mostly dry. Got a feeling its flu.....although I had my flu jab, but take some comfort in thinking it could have been worse if I hadn't got jabbed.
yes! I could have written that! Even people with no lung problems are coughing and spluttering. And yes, as others have mentioned the cold weather is not our friend. I have decided that I will have to curtail my social activities that are indoors during the winter months When I was working I picked up every cough and cold that was going on winter months . In lockdown I was well. Then I gradually started mixing again and here I am with cough and cold after cough and cold. Lesson learned. I'm hibernating from October half term until March from now on.
Hi - yes - can't shift it at all - not a terrible chesty hack - just there all the time!!
We have what has been dubbed "the three week cold" doing the rounds in our area at the moment. People feel rough for about three weeks and are left with a cough for weeks after. It's not a Covid variant - or at least, it's not showing up on any of the tests - and it doesn't seem to be making people seriously ill, but it's very, very persistent.
Hi there can I ask do you have any problems with your gut .Because I have GERD and take something called omeprazole if I try to cut down on dosage I get a bad cough that will not go until I take the higher dose then it goes .🥰
no I don’t have any problems with my gut , but this cough is doing my head in, its been weeks now I will have to try and get another doctors appointment. It’s so frustrating. But thank for getting back to me. Could I also ask what GERD is?
Of course it’s when you get severe heartburn from the acids in your stomach "I would go and check with your dr ,he or she may have to refer you and I have been waiting to see a consultant and by the time I get to see him in July it’s over two years .i know this cough is awful .Hope it helps sweetie .🥰🥰
For some years my asthma drugs were changed and increased to try to control my asthma symptoms. I have cough variant asthma. Until this year when a locum GP added a H2 antacid famotidine to my lansoprazole which I have had for years. In all that time no one had suggested I had serious stomach problems. A gastroscopy five weeks later showed a large Hiatal Hernia and severe gastritis!
My ‘Asthma’ is also a lot better. 😳😳
Sorry to hear this. I don't have a consistent cough, but having problems with excessive mucous, phlegm and a cough at night with post nasal drip, which has been a problem since a very nasty virus at the end of October. On second course of anti biotics and blood tests showing bacterial infection, not usual allergies. There must be something going around as hearing a lot of similar stories. Hopefully this clears for us all.