I was on a high dose of steroids for 3 weeks (40mg) and have been weening myself off them. Well trying to and needs to stay on 5mg if I ever get to that point. I’ve dropped down to 20mg and I’ve noticed I have a severe cough that is keeping me awake and starting to have a slight wheeze. I was fine on 30mg. So my question is, should I up my steroids back to 30mg and wait longer? Or should I try and wait it out? It’s hard with it being Easter weekend and can’t ring my asthma nurse for advice. Thanks in advance xx
Cough: I was on a high dose of steroids... - Asthma Community ...

Most people would be loathe to recommended more steroids, but you know your own condition.
I see no harm in going back to 30mg if you can see your GP asap. I also see no reason to be suffering unnecessarily! Of course your condition is depressing, especially as you are so young, so see if you can find small moments in the day to just look at something lovely and appreciate it, so you relax a tiny bit. I find daffodils rather cheering!
Hi Amy Loulou,
Sorry to hear you are also suffering in your chest.
I am not sure what is right for you but there are alternatives to steroids. In general I try to avoid all steroids, and instead of using them to suppress the immune system, I try to nourish it properly and to work with it by helping to kill microbes in the following ways:
Have you tried breathing in the steam of herbs such as thyme, sage, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, lemon peel, himalayan salt etc? These help to kill a lot of respiratory infections if done regularly.
Also eating raw onion and garlic in salads with dressing can help a lot, alongside herbal teas such as lemon, ginger and honey, or milk boiled with turmeric, ginger slices, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, cardamoms and with honey added afterwards.
Antibiotics only help with bacterial infections so viral infections we have to sort ourselves by boosting our imune system and helping to kill as many microbes as possible.
Onion slices in rooms as well as on feet in socks are supposed to help kill microbes. Frankincense incense burned in the house or the oil in a cold diffuser help to also clean the air. Other good oils include lavender, oregano, lemon, thyme, sage, clove, cinnamon etc.
Using olbas oil on our throat and chest also helps to kill bacteria and viruses in our airways and expand them.
Taking daily supplements of vitamin D3 of about 4000iu and Vitamin C 1000iu plus Magnesium 400 to 750 mg plus in smaller amounts- Zinc, Vitamin E, K2, Iron and Selenium- and foods rich in all these all should help the immune system to be stronger.
Salt baths with Magnesium flakes, Epsom salts and himalayan rock salt plus some antiseptic and/ or calming anti inflammatory oils should also be beneficial!
I have been using all these as we have a flu virus in the house at the moment and I have had a chesty cough (phlegm in lungs) practically all the darker, colder months. Cant wait for the sun to shine on us!
For peace of mind I may insist on a chest x-ray for myself, although I have no pain or other symptoms apart from phlegm in my chest. I think it is just asthma and deficiency of D3 mostly. Your lung pain is something you should keep aware of, although it could be from just coughing a lot. Coughing up blood is a bad sign and then an x ray is definitely advisable.
I hope this is helpful!
Best wishes and prayers for a quick and complete recovery of your good health and strength,
I have a salt lamp which I think has made a huge difference. I have bad damp in my flat (which I know isn’t helping) but the lamp being on from early evening and all night has made a bit of a difference to my room at least. Maybe something to look into?