Hi, I have moderate asthma with daily naughty mucus. The mucus is worsened by my rhinitis. The doctor wants me to start using oestrogen gel as my peri menopause symptoms have become nasty. Does anyone have any experience of the estradiol transdermal gel and asthma? I'm worried that it will worsen my asthma. Thanks
Hrt and asthma - any problems? - Asthma Community ...
Hrt and asthma - any problems?

Hi CraftyLego,I sympathise with you re perimenopausal symptoms, they really can be challenging. I dont have experience of the gel but I am taking Eatradot patches, which I to was concerned about taking as I have Asthma and Bronchiectasis. I started on a low dose and was reviwed every 3 months and so on until I found the strength that suited, that I could tolerate helped and improved my symptoms. I have not found any issues with my breathing and I am usually quite susceptible to reactions when I change meds and my breathing is often the first to be impacted. For me if anything it has been an improvement all round. I'm not sure if the gels come in varying strengths but I'm guessing they would and perhaps a low dose to begin is an option for you. Hope you can get some relief and are able to work up to a strength that is good for you with the professional guidance from your Doctor.
Good luck.
I have oestrogel and have taken various progesterones over the past year and a half. I have had no problems with my asthma. Prior to HRT I did have issues with phlegm and inflammation in the trachea, but fingers crossed no problems now. So a good experience for me. Hope it works for you!
Hi CraftyLego I'm on various asthma meds and have taken the HRT gel for 2.5 years - no significant issues with asthma I'd link to the HRT but menopause symptoms greatly improved.😄 (An advantage of the gel is you can vary the amounts).So give it a go and hopefully you'll find good improvements.
Good luck.🤞