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Asthma uncontrolled post covid

AFUN1 profile image
15 Replies

Hi all,

A year ago I caught Covid which exacerbated my Asthma. It took me months to build back up my lung strength and to stop having coughing fits. I began to feel I was getting back to normal, however for the last six months I have been getting repeated colds which turn into asthma exacerbation and chest infections. Each time I’ve been given antibiotics and steroids sometimes 2 courses back to back. The time between exacerbations and infections are becoming shorter and shorter.

Post Covid they increased my steroid inhaler, then swapped it for the Fostair 200/g, as well as advising I continue to taken salbutamol. Recently they have put me on Montelukast. None of this seems to be getting my asthma under control and I feel helpless/like I’m going round in circles! Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Is there something I could/should be asking for in regards to help?


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AFUN1 profile image
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15 Replies
PattyT22 profile image

Hiya, have you been referred to a long covid team? I am about to start some rehab with mine, part of that is for my breathlessness. Also do you see a consultant about your asthma? Worth asking GP for referral as you definitely need more help. My asthma is much worse post covid in March as are all my health conditions. Good luck hope you get some help.

Oldandgray profile image

I am in my 70’s have had all my Covid jabs but got Covid in February. It took six months to begin to feel remotely well but I have been left with an enlarged heart!

Christ0706 profile image

Hi, I’ve been through a lot in the last 2/3 years regarding my asthma, I’ve been in icu numerous times with some incubation’s and put on the full list of medication,ask your consultant or Dr’s to put you on Theophylline/Uniphyllin that might help you control your symptoms of the asthma and if they put you on the full list of asthma medication’s they might consider your have biological medication I was put on mepo every month they give itn, hope all goes well with you keep safe over winter

MattPhillips78 profile image


Your experiences match the exact same as I have been having. I'm a 44 year old male and I got a mild dose of Covid in Feb 2020 and my lungs have never been the same since. I was referred to a Respiratory consultant at my local hospital and have had 3 appointments with him as well as CT scan and x ray of my chest as well as blood tests. They have all come back fine.

I caught Covid again Jan of this year and have been very slowly getting my health back somewhere near normal, able to jog again and work. However, I think rather than getting better, my asthma became more manageable and I got used to having sore lungs everyday rather than making a proper recovery.

The hospital forgot about me for a year and have finally managed to get another consultation with my initial referral to the Respiratory Team in March.

Before 2020, my asthma, while not necessarily controlled, was never really a problem. Like yourself, I pick up every cold going and no matter how mild, it goes onto my chest. It takes me an age now to overcome these and I have trauma from my bad chest during Covid, so can't stop worrying about it.

I'm just recovering from a cold that went on my chest and my upper airways are sore.

I am also on Fostair, Salbutamol and Tiotropium. In fact, I believe the increased meds have caused my reduced white blood cell count that showed up in my blood tests, making me more susceptible to anything going around. I like yourself, feel as if I am going around in circles.

My consultant doesn't know what it is and doesn't believe it is my asthma, but I know in my gut that it is and that I really need breathing physio. I can't inflate my lungs like I used to for sure. He thinks it could be long Covid/post viral syndrome. I think they gave up on me and moved on, without discharge, but I made sure I got another follow up. He did mention referring me to the Brompton Hospital for breathing dysfunction physio. I feel this is what I need.

In the meantime, I'm and I recommend for you too, is to aim for optimal asthma and overall health by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, invest in a high strength, good qulaity Nordic fish oil, eating anti-inflammatory foods where you can - organic Kale, Brussels, Broccoli are great for the lining of the lungs (Vitamin A especially).

Basically, I am trying to do everything I can that is said to aid optimal health for asthma so I know I have tried everything before my next appointment. Frustratingly, my peak flows and blood oxygen levels are high so it looks like my asthma is fine but I know it really isn't and I suffer with soreness in my airways all the time.

Before my latest cold, I had started to jog again and I felt this was helping my lungs. I have the same problem as you though, as soon as I start feeling fit and healty I get another bug again and have to build up from scratch. This time though, I decided to stay relatively active but slower, with walking and still going to work as staying home and resting has done so little for me in the past and makes me quite depressed.

I've gone from never thinking of my breathing, to it always being on my mind and it does get me down quite a bit at times.

My advice would be to get that referral to your local hospital respiratory team as a good start but do all you can and what feels right to you - whatever you do take it slow and be realistic and refocus your mind away - I know this is easier said than done!

I too feel as if I am going around in circles, you are not alone and I thank you for sharing your experience as I feel I am the only one going through this.

All the very best and keep in touch.

Tugun profile image
Tugun in reply to MattPhillips78


I find it interesting you mention Vitamin A as I read a book years ago and started to take Vitamin A, C and E. The A in particular really helped the asthma. At one point when I had really bad asthma, I upped my Vitamin A and C and noticed the difference in a week. You can overdose on A so you need to know what symptoms to look out for. I take Vitamin A and C every day and change the dose depending on my health.

Olive Leaf Extract is also excellent for fighting bacteria and viruses.

MattPhillips78 profile image
MattPhillips78 in reply to Tugun

Thank you for your reply Tugun. That's really interesting you found Vit A supplementation helpful. May I ask which brand you use and how much per day? I know many poo poo supplementation, but I have read a very good research paper into what we need to keep our lungs clean, healthy and sterile and Vit A/Beta Carotene was a big one. I've started taking high strength Norwegian Omega 3 Fish Oil and have found it very beneficial for me personally. Will start taking Vit A on top of eating more Vit A rich foods. Thanks again!

Tugun profile image
Tugun in reply to MattPhillips78

Hi Matt,

Would you be able to direct me to the research paper. I would be very interested in reading it.

Many thanks,


AFUN1 profile image
AFUN1 in reply to MattPhillips78

Hi, your experience sounds very similar to mine. Prior to Covid my asthma rarely needed consideration and now it seems to be all I think about. I found it interesting you mentioned your oxygen and peak flow being high/normal. Mine have been too. My oxygen levels are always good and my peak flow has been the best it’s been before! It doesn’t seem to make sense to me.

If I ever get to the bottom of the mystery I’ll be sure to update. Like you said sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not the only one in the same boat.

MattPhillips78 profile image
MattPhillips78 in reply to AFUN1

Same here, whenever I get early onset of a cold I immediately go into panic mode. I definitely have health anxiety from the Trauma of my hospital visit I 2020 and fear the worst every time. I used to get that when I was at college then it passed and could have colds without ruminating about it. I'm practicing acceptance and banning myself from engaging with the negative health thoughts, but it takes some getting used to. Please keep me updated. Do you find you are also overly worried about certain daily tasks bringing it back when you do start to get better after a cold. I am the same. I went for a jog yesterday for first time since before my chest cold, really enjoyed it but have to watch out for my mind checking my breathing today, the day after, as it wi tell me that I've made my chest bad again and have to keep checking my breathing all the time. I will make sure I practice acceptance today with those false, negative thoughts and not do a body check.

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to MattPhillips78

Matt do push for that referral to the Brompton, their physiotherapists are fantastic and I’m sure will help you

runcyclexcski profile image

My asthma developed after a viral pneumonia, i.e. similar to your Covid. I only started feeling better after getting on Xolair which itself took 6 months to work. Tried every inhaler on the market, at the maximum dose. I myself had to ask to be put on Xolair after reading research papers, and learning what the criteria were (eosinophilia, atopic asthma, hospital visits, and multiple steroid courses -- look it up, I am quoting from memory). The doctors did not "suggest" Xolair to me, prob since it's expensive for the NHS/insurance companies. I manage everyday symptoms with air filtration and masks, but Xolair allows me to live "normally" (i.e. not in a filtered room at all times). I still avoid smoke, carpets, libraries, dogs, mold, and other triggers -- no drug could alleviate that.

Diet, vitamins, alternative medicine, etc -- I found that to be mostly based on placebo effect (also confirmed by peer-reviewed papers).

AFUN1 profile image

Thank you all for your responses. I haven’t been referred to a long Covid team as the doctors seem to have classes it as Asthma rather than long Covid. I’m currently waiting for an appointment with the respiratory clinic, although I have been told it’s a very long wait.

I’ll definitely have a look into further medications as I can’t contemplate a whole winter of chest infections etc

Thank you again for your answers.

Naturesvalley profile image

I got covid in 2020 and was diagnosed with asthma post covid. I was on numerous inhalers. I then was put on fostair 200 and montelukast. It took ages but eventually it started working. I also got put onto azthromycin. And this combination has definitely helped my asthma. I still get flare ups but it is much better controlled

kjs81 profile image

My asthma was always fairly mild until a flu a few years ago, after it I needed fostair. I got covid at the end of last winter and it stopped working - montelukast was added in - still uncontrolled. eventually, after about 3 months it settled with symbicort 200/6 turbo inhaler plus montelukast. Awful experience though, was having regular attacks and couldn’t talk much for coughing. Hope you feel better soon.

Owen76 profile image

Hi Afun1. I’ve been having similar problems for a year and a half now. I had asthma that was controlled for years but last winter I got a sick, not sure if it was Covid or something else and then had serious asthma complications. I’ve been on multiple prednisone and antibiotics as my c-reactive protein was high, but they have not really helped. It subsided a bit last summer, but after getting sick early winter this year my asthma has been uncontrollable. I wheeze constantly and always have a deep rumbling when I fully exhale. I also have quite a bit of discharge. I’ve been on wixair and am now on symbicort, but they don’t help much. Wondering if you ever found a solution? I’ve been a very active person and it’s definetly impacting the quality of my life.

Cheers owen

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