Autumn covid booster: Anyone here have... - Asthma Community ...

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Autumn covid booster

Beruska3 profile image
51 Replies

Anyone here have had the autumn booster? What reactions did you have please? Im just a bit worried as lots of people I know are declining it this year. I have mild asthma but Im sure it is very important to get my vaccine! Thank you 🙂

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Beruska3 profile image
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51 Replies
teddyd profile image

I had my booster and flu vaccination a few weeks ago. Nothing except a bit of pain on my arms.

Lotti_321- profile image

I had mine on Saturday and have been fine. Slightly sore arm but nothing unexpected. I had covid in July and would rather have a few unpleasant side effects and reduce the effects if I were to get covid again

primrose123 profile image

I had both vaccines last Saturday Beruska3 ( Flu & Covid nothing to worru about, just a little pain on arm I received Covid on but after a dau or two pain goes away,if you are having both jabs better having one in each arm, you will feel good 👍 that you you got your jabs Beruska3, will stand you in good stead for the coming winter months..Take care, Love, Primrose 123..x

Beruska3 profile image
Beruska3 in reply to primrose123

Thank you Primrose123 x

CDPO16 profile image

I had mine 10 days ago amd had no problems apart from a sore arm for 3 days.

looneyno1 profile image

I’ve had both Flu and covid (5th) these past two weeks. No asthma issues just a little sore arms for 24hours.

Are people really declining vaccines? Either of them this year? No judgement just interested in the reason why especially if vulnerable.

I’ve always got my flu jab since I’ve been eligible years ago but I had covid in April and thankfully although I was in hospital I got the antivirals and it could have been worse. Not sure I would take my chance without it this winter.

Beefull8 profile image
Beefull8 in reply to looneyno1

I think people might be refusing it because of new data coming out that MRNA vaccines have been found in breast milk. Also in Florida they are not recommending vaccines to men. 18-39 I think because of high rates of death from heart issues following vaccines. I had a severe reaction from my first one which interestingly has some of the same reactions you could get from earlier strains - memory loss, POTS, shortness of breath, adrenaline rushes, headache and sinus pressure.

runcyclexcski profile image
runcyclexcski in reply to Beefull8

>>>in Florida they are not recommending vaccines to men. 18-39

Florida... didn't their govt deny at some point that covid existed in the first place?

KitKat1954 profile image
KitKat1954 in reply to runcyclexcski

Yes, right now Florida has a governor who is following Trump's playbook. I personally would not go by anything this state says under this governor. You can check with the Center for Disease website for U.S. info. I did have both vaccines on the same day, no side effects whatsoever.

KitKat1954 profile image
KitKat1954 in reply to KitKat1954

Center for Disease Control -

AnxiousCanadianChic profile image
AnxiousCanadianChic in reply to Beefull8

I’ve done A LOT of research on this and yes a very small percent of people (mostly men in that age group) do get heart issues BUT waaay more people (same age group) get the same heart issues from getting Covid itself.

Beefull8 profile image
Beefull8 in reply to AnxiousCanadianChic

I think it depends on the individual’s risk. I had a severe reaction and I know others who have too. At the same time I have a cousin who didn’t get any shots and the only symptom she had was fatigue from the virus. The problem is seeing everyone as the same person when everyone has their own vulnerabilities and health history to consider.

Logo132 profile image
Logo132 in reply to looneyno1

hi, just replying to your question about why people may refuse vaccines.

It’s a personal issue. If someone wishes to take the vaccine to protect themselves, especially if asthmatic, then that is their absolute choice and right to do so, especially if it gives them peace of mind.

I’ve had the original 2 jabs, but no boosters. My husband had a very extreme reaction to his and had to have a couple of months off work, as well as hospital investigations due to potential heart and thyroid damage from the jab. He is still not well even now, so I’ve seen first hand how scary a jab reaction can be.

I have adult children. My daughter has had all her jabs and boosters. My son has had none, because we weighed up the data very carefully about the risk of heart problems in young men and decided it wasn’t worth it. Both of them have had covid twice. In both of them it was mild although ironically, it was my triple jabbed daughter who had it worse. She has since developed very heavy periods following the jab and we believe this is directly related.

As the other user commented, we now have access to a lot more data about the jab, including Pfizer’s published adverse reaction data. I have read through the report from pfizer as well as the nhs yellow card data and decided that for me personally, I will not be having any more covid jabs as I believe that the risks outweigh the benefits.

I know that others will disagree and I completely respect their opinion. I know it can be an emotive issue and people just want to do what they can to protect their own health. Everyone has a right to choose or refuse and they will get no judgement from me either way.

Beefull8 profile image
Beefull8 in reply to Logo132

Thank you for sharing this!! I feel like it’s been so hard to share what’s true for you without it becoming a political issue or anti vax issue. There is a so much pushback and censorship going on but the ability for people to make their own informed decision is paramount and should be a right not a privilege.

MMBJI profile image

Had mine 10 days ago, no reaction, apart from a slight ache at the injection site for a day or two. Previously I have felt unwell after a week.

My daughter had hers yesterday, it’s been the same for her too. Previously she has had a high temperature within 12 hrs, but not this time 🤞!

We both had our flu jabs at the same time, which I was reticent about, but so far so good.

Evie3 profile image

i have asthma and RA and immunocompromised too. Will have the 5th when I am able between my meds. Survived Covid in July but still have an annoying cough at night

Deeseona profile image

Both my husband and I have had the latest Covid19 booster. He has severe asthma. Apart from feeling slightly under the weather for a few days there were no side effects. In our opinion much better to feel slightly tired than having to deal with the fall out of having Covid really badly. If my husband has ever had flu before the flu jab was on offer, he would end up being seriously ill with it. Pneumonia etc. So he’s had both, so have I.

Thomas45 profile image

Had flu and covid booster 3 days ago. Soreness at covid injection site yesterday. That's all. Fortunately I've never caught Covid. I'm asthmatic and have permanent though asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation, and have right foot drop.

Popplemoggy profile image

Hi Beruska3,

I had my Covid Booster 2 weeks ago now and other than muscle soreness in my arm I had no noticeable reactions at all. I can understand your apprehensions, I too am asthmatic and have Bronchiectasis, but felt it was important to protect myself and my lungs as much as possible. Good luck with your jab.


Beruska3 profile image
Beruska3 in reply to Popplemoggy

Thank you Popplemoggy for your support !

HBaaBaa profile image

I too was hesitant about getting my booster but I have no idea why?! I went ahead and had it yesterday and so far just the sore arm to contend with. I have long covid anyway so lots of daily symptoms but these don’t seem to be any worse following the vaccination. I have my flu jab booked for two weeks as I didn’t want to have them at the same time in case of side effects.

looneyno1 profile image

I apologise I was not trying to start any arguments or judge anyone. I was curious to the reason on the refusals if it was due to fatigue of jabs or not being able to get appointments. Everyone has a right to say no.

Sorry if it came across wrong I am just curious.

Spikedog66 profile image
Spikedog66 in reply to looneyno1

That's what this forum is about its personal opinions and discussion you are certainly not judged in my books. I've got asthma and Copd plus heart and many other issues thrown in. My sister calls me a creaking gate but I think its definitely fell off its hinges. I've had 3 and have just got a message for booster which I will have once I can I'm busy recovering from covid. I had nausea and vomiting dizziness and headache, cough came when I tested negative and still have that and breathlessness. I dont have the flu vaccine I never have but personal to me. Never be offended for your beliefs or values they matter. x

DaveW27 profile image


Had flu and covid 2 days ago and no problems.

Superzob profile image

It’s probably the wrong question (but it’s common enough), because it assumes that it is the vaccine that is causing the side effects, whereas it is actually the body’s immune system. Since that varies widely between individuals, it’s impossible to anticipate your own reaction on the basis of other people’s experience.

For instance, I had had 3 previous vaccinations and expected my immune system to leap into action with the booster; in fact, I didn’t even get a sore arm! Conversely, my wife (who had had 4 previous jabs) was in bed for 2 days after her 5th jab. We then both succumbed to COVID a week later, presumably because the fresh jab hadn’t had enough time to work; and it does imply that earlier protection from previous vaccinations has worn off, a good reason to boost!

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to Superzob

Had both 'flu and covid vaccines two days ago and, apart from sore arm, have had no reactions to speak of. I have both asthma and COPD and thought it worthwhile boosting immunity.

Mark-f profile image

believe it or not , I’ve now just had my 6th covid jab (I’m identified as severely immune suppressed)

No side affects with the latest one except a sore arm for 48hrs

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador

Just had mine today as a walk-in. I did time it so I didn't have anything unmissable/a work deadline just after in case I didn't feel great, but I just had a sore arm and felt a bit tired for a day or so with the first three.

I guess I'll see how it goes, but I'm not expecting anything more than feeling a bit off for a day or two. When I actually had COVID for the first time in August I felt rubbish for at least a week! And I wouldn't call my experience a severe illness by any means - it did set my asthma off but nothing I couldn't handle, and for me, the illness wasn't as bad as the two times I've had flu. I couldn't really do anything though so even just from a practical point of view I'd take the jab over COVID any day. And I think the illness is in general a bigger risk than the jab.

Same goes for flu jab which I had a month ago, vs risking flu unvaccinated. After swine flu turned my mild asthma not-mild and it's still severe now, I'm not taking my chances with flu and I always get the jab.

Beruska3 profile image
Beruska3 in reply to Lysistrata

Thank you for your helpful reply Lysistrata! Sorry to hear about the swine flu 😢

hoven profile image

Hi, I have not had any of the jabs and don't intend to. had covid in July and still here! I should have natural immunity now. getting covid after numerous jabs surely says something isn't working! just learned that head of Pfizer admitted that the jab wasn't tested for transmission, so another lie.

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador in reply to hoven

Vaccination is important for reducing disease severity, not just transmission - that goes for flu too. And as far as I can see from good sources, new and old Pfizer were tested for transmission. I'm glad you're ok after getting COVID - so am I, but not everyone will be without protection.

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to hoven

Covid vaccine was NEVER meant to help with transmission, it was made very clear at the beginning that vaccine was to aid symptoms if person contracted Covid. Over time people have forgotten this and make the point hasn’t helped transmission, when wasn’t developed with that in mind! In actual fact scientists are anacdocolly saying it has helped transmission of certain strains of Covid but that wasn’t what it was originally developed to do.

Hoven we all have free choice and it’s up to you if you don’t have (any) vaccine, but please be clear as to what each vaccine is meant to do and what not.

Cat33 profile image

Hello I had my jab last week and didn't have any reaction at all

All the best with yours

Celie1 profile image

Hi, I had my jab a few weeks ago and I felt fine, so did my husband.

Don’t let other people put you off. Everyone’s experience will be different. You may or may not have a reaction, but feeling rough for a few days will probably be better than getting Covid itself I’m guessing.

strongmouse profile image

I am booking my covid 19 booster, but won't be having the 'flu vaccine. I am allergic to eggs and, as I understand it, the flu vaccine is cultured in eggs. I always check the information before having a vaccine to make sure there is no contraindication. Wise to check beforehand. All the best xx

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador in reply to strongmouse

I'm not allergic to eggs but there are egg-free versions of the flu vaccine for people with egg allergies - worth checking with GP/pharmacist to see what's available.

strongmouse profile image
strongmouse in reply to Lysistrata

Yes thanks. I did try this, but got no-where. No one seemed to know (professional) where I could get egg-free 'flu vaccine from. So got stuck. I've had 'flu once and felt awful, my peak flow dropped to 125, but a course of steriods did the trick. I wouldn't mind getting it now as my husband is immune compromised. He is getting the vaccine. Honestly don't know where I might be able to get hold of it and be vaccinated.

Mandevilla profile image

I'm not eligible for the booster as I'm not old enough and my asthma is not severe enough - but if I was eligible, I'd have it straight away. I had what I strongly suspect was Covid two years ago (before testing was widely available, but I had all the symptoms), and my asthma developed as a result of it. After my 2nd vaccination, I had confirmed Covid back in March and my asthma flared up again and took months to calm back down.

I felt 'proper poorly' after my first Covid jab, but not nearly as bad as I was with the suspected Covid. Personally, I'd do anything I could to reduce my chances of getting Covid again.

SECRAVEN profile image
SECRAVEN in reply to Mandevilla

If you get the free flu jab, I would recommend speaking to your GP about having it. I am also not in the priority list (33 and never hospitalised) but had my 4th booster today. I went to get my flu jab done and was offered the COVID vaccine at the same time. I said I wasn't entitled to it but my GP was happy to give me it anyway as it was in his medical opinion that I would benefit. If others are turning it down I'm more than happy to have theirs! Worth a try.

Mandevilla profile image
Mandevilla in reply to SECRAVEN

That's helpful thank you. I'm seeing the nurse next week to check how I'm doing on my new inhaler, so I'll ask her if she thinks I have a chance of getting the Covid jab. We are currently hosting a Ukrainian family who are anti-vax (we didn't know this until after they arrived!) so I'm feeling extra-twitchy, sharing a house with a bunch of unvaccinated people!

Can I ask how old you are? Just that you say your asthma is mild. As I understand it, they're only offering the autumn booster to the over 50s and those in specific 'vulnerable' categories - and asthma isn't included 🙄

I would happily take a booster but as a 43 year old with moderate asthma, I doubt I'll be getting offered it ☹️

Beruska3 profile image
Beruska3 in reply to LittleMissFaffALot

hi I'm 41 and got invite from NHS so I booked it. Maybe my doctors are more keen to get me boosted. 😊

LittleMissFaffALot profile image
LittleMissFaffALot in reply to Beruska3

ahh, thank you. I might try and go as a walk-in somewhere in that case. No invite from my GP as yet and I'm not expecting it either!! I don't think I got an invite for any of the previous 3! The first 2 I got early cos I sneakily asked if I could when I took my mum (she was obviously a lot older so was getting called earlier).

By the time I was due for my 1st booster my mum had passed away (totally unrelated to covid or the jab etc) and I just had to wait for my age group. I took the initiative and booked it as soon as my age group was announced. I NEVER had any communication from the GP about booking them 😠😠

Beruska3 profile image
Beruska3 in reply to LittleMissFaffALot

sorry to hear about your mum. 😔

My husband has no comorbidities and got his jab yesterday as a walk in. Good luck with yours! Take care

pink123floyd profile image

I had mine and mo side effects other than slight pain when i lie on my arm in bed😔 i am severe asthmatic and this is my 5th jab talk to some one at your doctors about your concerns take care stay safe.xx

madonbrew profile image

Hi, I have had 3 primary vaccines and 2 boosters so far. Every time my arm has been painful for a day or so, but other than that, the only reaction I had was a temperature and slept for 3 days after the first one.

I had covid back in May… I have severe asthma and am immune compromised from other health problems and have chronic kidney disease and insulin dependent diabetes. I literally didn’t consider it being covid…I knew I had a chest infection and my asthma was worse so needed pred and antibiotics. Then I had a different strange breathing thing for a couple of days. I feel I might well have ended up in hospital and much more poorly if I hadn’t had my vaccines.

However I understand people weighing up the pro’s and con’s and deciding what they feel right for them.

Take care and stay safe

Starstream20 profile image

Had mine 3 weeks ago, made me a bi tired and achy arm but was ok.

tested positive for covid today

adenough profile image

hello, I fact checked the vaccine when it first came out.. didn’t have it as I didn’t want to be part of an experiment being that until 2023… defo no side effects from that, I have enough probs with lungs asthma etc, certainly don’t need any more. Send you some love xx

Naturesvalley profile image

i had the vaccine a couple of weeks ago. I developed a severe headache the day after and had nausea and vomiting for 24hr after. I also had very sore arm. I felt really unwell and just stayed in bed. I actually phoned nhs 111 and they said it was the classic reaction and it would pass

I plan on getting my flu vaccine and the new omicron vaccine. I haven’t yet as I had Covid in August so I should have antibodies. I’ve had 3 Covid vaccines and been perfectly fine and I’ve been getting flu vaccines for many years. When I got Covid in August I had very mild symptoms but I have bad asthma and have a pulse oximeter at home and my oxygen went down from 98 to 92/93 overnight. I was given paxlovid and everything was back to normal within 24 hours.

Clematisa1 profile image

Morning Beruska3 I have mild asthma and had both my flu and covid booster on Thursday. Flu arm was very slightly sore and Covid arm was fine. No other side effects from either the covid or the Flu. I took a couple of paracetamol when I got home " just in case" but probably didn't need them.

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