I was just wondering if any of you could advise me; Yesturday i had an app with my consultant and he put me on cetirizine 10mg saying we might as well try it, but I've had loads and loads of blood tests done to see if I'm allergic to anything, and everythings come up negative (and I've just had another lot done and waiting for the results) , so I'm really confused why he's prescribed them?
What if no allergies are found? I thought all asthma was allergic? or can you have non allergic asthma?
He was also talking about wanting me to start Xolair asap which is actually why hes doing all the blood tests to try and find an allergy that would mean i qualify for Xolair, I qualify for the drug on my hospital admissions this year (4 admissions one of those being icu, and a few trips to A and E) but i thought this drug was for allergic asthma?
Sorry for the long post, but I'm feeling a bit confused and would love some advise,
Thank you! alice