gonna just pop a diary of events up and and explanation below. Im so tired of attempting to even get reassurance let alone treatment from the gp.
4th June started 5 day pred after a week of feeling tight and double dose symbicort not helping
7th felt more unwell coughing yellow mucus started amoxicillin
10th called Gp as still very wheezy told no more steroids/not allowed ventolin due to smart regime and to sit through the breathlesness and finish amoxicillin
12June couldnt cope so went to A&E diagnosed severe asthma attack and infection not responding to antibiotics. Given IV pred a few nebs, 5 day course pred and change of antibiotics and some ventolin to take home. Was on oxygen for a few hours as sats were low.
14th June another bad attack went to A&E sats were low again, was given nebs and a Magnesium infusion. Kept until i could maintain sats above 94% Dr noted infection markers were slightly lower and slight improvement in xray.
17th spoke to Asthma uk nurse as i was a bit concerned still wheezy and breathless, she explained go steroud dose may be too low30mg and to explain to gp that 40mg would be better, called gp and again wouldnt budge 30mg 5days but felt better throughput those days
24th June still breathless just walking across room, tight feeling, coughing very green/brown mucus called Gp/pharmacist and told i probably have copd, gave another week of antibiotics said shouldnt need steroids as i dont sound wheezy over phone and arranged a nurse to call in 2 weeks.
i feel utterly awful still. Sitting on sofa i can just about keep my sats at 95% colour of mucus is lighter but tastes vile feel a bit better for a little while after using inhaler but i just feel so tight. Since starting doxycycline i get a random fever every evening.
Do hospitals send a summary of treatment and tests to gp. Pharmacist said they requested a repeat xray in 6weeks but questioned if i had an xray at hospital. Could A&E have mistaken my symptoms and tests or not been clear with me on what they saw. Pharmacist was very abrupt and said he hopes this is a wake up call, i stopped smoking but started vaping 8 months ago. Was tested for COPD 2yrs ago thanks to years of similar issues(intermittent) all came back normal spirometry and ct scan. Had no Asthma/breathing issues since that time.
I feel like he has basically requested i dont call again and that my breathlessness is to be expected. Im 37yrs old and virtually unable to care for my child. Im trying so hard to get up and move around its just agony. Can they refuse to see me i dont feel telephone consultations are enough and going to A&E is such a big risk