Hi folks, so I was diagnosed with 'mild asthma' as a late teen. Got the little white inhaler and a few days if be fine. I then had it return 5 years ago at 27 when pregnant and got a blue inhaler. Can you tell I'm a proper novice? Figured I'd grown out of it as I've had no issues since...
Until 3 weeks ago, I had a terrible cough come on which I treated with no results. Then 2 weeks ago I was really really breathless. I phoned the GP who gave me an emergency appointment and said my asthma had come back, I'd likely now have this every winter ect. My peak flow at best was 170 so I got given the trusty blue inhaler a brown one and a bunch of steroids. After the steroids finished I had 5 days of feeling great and then I was mega struggling again. I was out with friends and went home in a bad way but too embarrassed after a few drinks to go to a&e or out of hours. So I waited and coughed/wheezed all night and had no sleep.
Next morning I called out of hours and got an appointment a d was seen rapid. I had the nebuliser and this cleared up enough for the doctor to hear a wheeze on my left lung and my peak flow was sat around 270 (only 40 of an improvement after the neb) was then set to a&e where I was again seen immediately. Had another neb, begged not to stay in as I've had a crap year health wise and was sent home with stronger inhaler and steroids plus antibs.
Got to work today and just had a breakdown, I'm so uneducated on asthma and felt vulnerable all of a sudden ay how serious it is because I never realised...I went home and got a gp appt who basically talked me a bit more through it. Still won't be referred to an asthma clinic though and I don't know why.
Just needed a vent. How can I clear my chest out of gunk and prevent taking another turn after there steroids run out, can I do anything else to help myself other than doing as I'm told?
Thanks in advance if you made it this far! Xx