Hi I’m after some advice. Having had asthma since being 5/6 I got to age 13ish and stopped using any preventative medication just salbutamol on exercise/symptoms.
Stared with really bad GERD possibly to be treated by surgery. Gastro surgeon asked GP to do spirometery and reversibility before surgery.
Spirometery and peak flow are normal for my age and height before medication however improve after medication. Surgeon wouldn’t share values but will be speaking to GP on Monday.
Consultant adviced to stop the salbutamol as it maybe making GERD worse. Did as advised and went for a run yesterday managed less than a quarter of my normal distance before my chest was too tight to continue. Stupidly didn’t take my inhaler with me, walked home peak flow was down to 425 took my inhaler and retested an hour later 500 took my inhaler again last night and this morning peak flow is back to 520 (normal for me).
My expected value is 420 have got as low as 375 but 2 days later ended up being blue lighted to hospital with a chest infection and chest pain on a drip and oxygen.
Is anyone else in the same position don’t want to continue with inhalers if it’s making my GERD worse and I have out grown the asthma but on the other hand yesterday scared me!