For the last month I’ve had symptoms doctors can’t tell me what’s going on and it’s really frustrating
I had period pain and took naprogesic pills to ease the pain (naprogesic pills contain naproxen and apparently naproxen triggers asthma) which I didn’t have at the time.
Minutes later I started to feel really breathless like really breathless
Went into emergency and was given a chest x ray and blood tests
Everything came back normal and they recommended me to do a spirometry
About a week after I had a spirometry done and they confirmed I have asthma because my lung function improved with the use of ventolin second time round I did the spirometry
Was given ventolin and told to use it whenever I needed to
Long story short
Ventolin didn’t help and I was still having breathlessness attacks constantly I couldn’t walk much or even do house work let alone feeling breathless and weak
Went into emergency again and they said that I might have a lung clot so they ordered a vq scan and that also came back normal
But they noticed my heart rate at rest was about 115 which should’ve been 60 and walking it went up to 140
Doctors then were confused if it was my heart or lungs causing this breathlessness
Doctor ordered more lung function tests including a carbon monoxide test and I passed pretty much all of it then went to a cardiologist and had a echocardiogram done which I’m still waiting on the results
Doctor now says it’s most likely asthma so give ur steroid inhaler a try everyday
Then he says it could be something else but won’t give me a ct scan as he says lung functions results are good
What the hell do I do
I don’t have a proper diagnosis and I’m still breathlessness every sec of the day
Ventolin gives me some sort of relief but not majorly
So over it I need help