Back in April of last year I came down with one of these weird viral things and my GPS worked hard to find what it were I think at the time I had every test going move to approx Sept of last year, the virus disappeared but my gp said a ct scan revealed a shadow on my right lung.This was looked at and treated with a strong course of antibiotic shortly after this I presented with asthma like symtoms: wheezing having to sleep in an elevated position breathlessness on slight exertion my gp prescribed ventolin with a spacer which helps in a small way. I've been referred to a respiratory guy at my local hospital who ordered breath testing which I've been for and a recent visit back to the gp meant more antibiotic as I had a chest infection.we discussed my condition and that I had, as yet, no formal diagnosis of asthma he has suggested discussing triggers an what changes may have bought this about when it all started last year on my next appointment with the respiratory folk.the only thing they can say at present is there is a pocket at the base of my right lung which has infection in it. I live on the edge of the peak district so nowhere really flat and I enjoyed walking out everywhere with my dog .I've never drank nor smoked and this is now tearing me apart as some days I cant do anything without becoming really breathless and I'm finding myself sinking into depression (I appreciate it's very cold at present and so not helping plus my respiratory appointment has been postponed to a later date!)
Is it or isn't it asthma?: Back in... - Asthma Community ...
Is it or isn't it asthma?

Hi have you asked asthma UK nurse about this
Our asthma nurse is off sick at the mo I've spoke to my gp in the light of this appointment being postponed to see if he can get results of breath tests etc and see if I can discuss any options with him I'm waiting for his reply
If you call the asthma UK helpline tomorrow they’ll be able to give you some good advice as to what to ask/expect and things which may help
0300 222 5800
Talk to your consultant about a long term course of antibiotic as repeated short term ones appear not to be addressing the problem.
Long term can be up to 4, 5 or even 6 months. The sooner the infection is dealt with the better for your lung health going forward.
I've been on Azithromycin and it was brilliant for getting rid of deep rooted infection - but I'm sure your consultant will talk over your options with you, the sooner the better.
Good luck.