I monitor my peak flow daily. Recently I’ve been getting some (for me) unusually good results, which I’ve put down to being on a high- dose steroid inhaler for the past month or so. My personal best has been increasing, from 465 to 490 and then 520 in the last couple of days. I’ve also gone from needing salbutamol pretty much every day to being virtually symptom-free.
Obviously this has all been very welcome and I’ve taken it as a sign that the new dose is working and my control is improving. However, I’m starting to think something must be a bit wrong, as this morning I blew 670 on the first go - a freakishly good result for me, as a 5ft 2 female. Even without the asthma I doubt I could genuinely blow that much - my lungs just aren’t that big.
Could my peak flow monitor be broken, and do I need to start doubting my other, slightly more believable personal bests? Or is it possible to record freak results because of faulty technique, or whatever? I think I’ll give the Asthma UK nurses a ring next week for advice, but wondered if anyone here has had similar experiences.