Hello - this is my first post.
Up until 12 months ago I was in good health. One day I noticed my nose dripped for no reason - I was of good fitness, running and kickboxing, however doing press ups etc became an issue as my nose would drip everywhere.
Then I noticed I could'nt run properly anymore - I had issues with my breathing which just got worse. I put up with it until October 2015, by this time I was coughing up clear sputum through the night as well. I was given various meds, including prednisilone, which restored some normality for a while.
A referral to an ENT specialist confirmed my sinuses were inflamed ( I have had sinus problems for years), a blood test showed I had an allergy, but not in relation to pollen/ pets / dust.
As I could not keep taking prednisilone I ended up taking symbicort which has been the most successful of the inhalers, but not as good as the pred.
I have had more blood taken since and I am awaiting the results - the doctors believe I have asthma but I am not sure - around the time this started I cleaned black mould from my dining room ceiling - I am wondering if this is the cause of my problems?
Sadly I cannot run like I used to - I do not have the coughing or tightness of the chest associated with asthma, it feels like my lungs have shrunk and have very little capacity.
Has anybody else suffered like this?