Hi, all.
I have just found out that I am allergic to my two 8 month old puppies it all started about 2 months ago, when I started experiencing a tight chest, and sob, but no wheezing. I was diagnosed with Asthma back in 1987/88 when I developed an allergy to our cat, which we had, had for 14 years. I went to my doctor ( first time in 10 years) and he listened to my chest, lungs etc and said it's all clear, I'm not sure it's Asthma, but prescribed me Qvar and Ventolin. He seemed more obsessed about taking my blood pressure, which he the scared me as he said it was high and wanted me to see the HCA.
So off I go and see her, put myself on a diet and exercised more and after wearing a 24 hour BP monitor my BP is ok. Whilst wearing this I had some blood tests, which included, one for heart failure (I'd convinced myself that's what I had), one for a blood clot because I was SOB a lot and my inhalers were not touching it. Liver,, kidney, anaemia ec were all tested along with a RAST test for dog allergy. Everything came back negative except the dog one :(, which came back as a very strong allergy to dog dander. Needless to say my wife and I are gutted. I've had an ECG because I mentioned I had lifted something and pulled a muscle ( my job is very physical, so I never get chance to rest the muscles) although now I'm thinking it could have been the chest tightness and sob causing the muscles to hurt. I saw another Dr and he said if it's tender and you can feel it, it will be muscular.
On Friday, I had a Spirometery and reversibility test. My peak flow was normal as was most of everything else, but one figure was 65% so I had to take 6 puffs of Ventolin and wait 15 minutes and re do the forced breathing test. This time the figure was 85% which she said is Asthma. Now my Dr ( who I feel isn't interested, and said its anxiety) gave me one puff of Qvar twice a day and the Asthma nurse said that's a child's dose and that as I'm a big guy (6ft1 and rugby player build) I should have two puffs twice a day. She then changed my inhaler to Fostair. I have never heard of this and it panics me that I don't know anyone on it.
I am going to spend a few days at my parents to see how I feel away from my dogs, and just take two puffs of Qvar twice a day whilst there and see how I get on.
When I'm outside walking the dogs I am fine, however when indoors I can be SOB, and it panics me. I am a real worrier about my health, and have felt pretty rotten over the past month.
Sorry for the long first post, I just needed to get it out there :/