Why does my doctor tell me my stomach swells because of my asthma. If my belly went down, ei feel i could breathe better. Its driving me mad. ive had every test going, its not fat its just a tight stomach, it looks like a big beer belly, but i dont drink or eat a lot. Oh he blames steroids as well. Am i alone in this world? or can somedody throw any light my way please. Thanks.
Swollen stomach.: Why does my doctor... - Asthma Community ...
Swollen stomach.
Hi ur tummy swells due to fluid retention caused by the prednisolone. The prednisolone can cause a shift In fat storage also. Face, shoulders and abdomen. The weight and swelling usually shifts when the pred has stopped.
I have a congenital heart condition as well as the asthma, so I tend to retain fluid in general and take a diuretic. I find when I'm on oral steroids it makes the fluid retention worse. Also if I eat too much salt or if it's very hot out. Have you tried eating less salt when you're on oral steroids? I also find eating foods high is potassium helps me too.
I hear you though...when this happens to me it make being out of breath worse.
I had another scan yesterday, it is fat built up around stomach from steroids, got to live with it or stop eating, not sure why its so painful, but what can i do bar take pain killers. First it was my lungs now its moved onto my stomach. It even stops me from walking which i find annoying as i cant exercise to loose weight. Any ideas welcome thanks.
yes big round belly part of steroids!!! My legs are so thin i look llike a lolly pop on a stick!!! lol!!!!
Find it so hard to buy clothes, if they fit my stomach, they look like clow trousers on my legs! Also because i have very small hips they slip down from my stomach , i have to have a belt that tight i then can't breathe!!!
Know exactly how you feel, my stomach looks like I am 9 months pregnant and about to burst, it actually feels as if I am about to burst. Wanted to join a slimming club but because my bmi is fine they wouldn't let me. I too have legs like sticks and look like a lollipop on a stick. I used to be so thin and had a washboard stomach but as soon as I started on the hydrocortisone for my adrenal glands the weight piled on but all on my stomach! I too find it hard to exercise as either my asthma or my osteoporosis stops me but I try and do as much as I can and eat a healthy diet. I used to be able to eat cakes and biscuits but now it's impossible because I'd be like the side of a house! I hate my life because I can't do anything I want but have to make the most of it somehow. Doctor told me that it was the steroids too. It makes my breathing worse too and having a bath is a nightmare because it all pushes up onto my lungs. Anyway, sorry not much help but hope it helps that other people are in the same boat as you xxxx