infusion: Can someone tell me why my... - Asthma Community ...

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18 Replies

Can someone tell me why my alarm keeps going off on my infushion box ive tried changing the battery and ive just put a new site on (needle in belly) and every so often the alarm goes off as if its ran out. Many thanks xxx

18 Replies

Kerry, what kind of infusion? Are you talking about Sub-cut bricanly or terbutaline? I would try a clean sweep, new site, new syringe etc if that does not work it sounds like the pump is broken. Some resp wards carry a spare and can swap it for you, if you are at all worried go to your local A&E worst case they will admit you to keep an eye whilst you don't have the sub cut running or they can use one of their ""big"" syringe drivers overnight until a replacement can be sorted. The main thing is don't panic it will only make things worse!


I have just remembered that sometimes they don't like some batteries especially the cheaper ones. I stick with the duracel ultra ones.



I got spare battries off tha hospital a year ago ive put that one in ive just changed my site and keeping my fingers crossed. so far so good but yes i am panicking am sat here waiting for replies cause i darent go to bed cause ive had a chest infection for a few weeks and scared my asthma will kick off thanks for replieing so quick xxxxxxx


and sorry its bricanyl xxxxx

Kerry-Anne, if that does not work please go to your local A&E it is perfectly possible for them to use one of their big pumps overnight to keep the sub cut running, I was told that is what my local would do if my pump broke and they could not locate a replacement. I am assuming you have graseby if you do need go and they offer you a spare to keep you going, make sure it is the same as different ones have different run rates. Please make sure that they check and double check the rates if it is different machine. For example my standard rate on a ""green"" grasby pump is 90 on a blue it would be 04! That because the green one is designed to work over long periods ie 24 hours where as the blue one is more commonly used for short bursts although it can cope fine over 24 hours.



Thanks Bex for your advice im going to stay up another hour and keep an eye on it. If the alarm keeps going off or my asthma doesnt improve i will phone the hospital. Again thanks Bex Kerry-anne xxxxxx

I had this happen to me a few times, one reason was the syringe was sticking but that wa when it was on a high dose but other times it was the pump.

I use to ring the local resp ward who knew us well anyway and they would sort it out for me. Hubby then would go down and get another one and we returned the faulty one when next near the hospital.

Or as Bex says go to a and e but please dont panic, It is scary and worrying but it can be resolved one way or other. In the end I was given a spare to keep at home in case it happened. I have a different type now but keep my trusty graesby that never went wrong here in case I ever need it.

Hope you get sorted


Graseby is the box ive got the light is flashing as it should the drive is going so fingers toes and everything else crossed Thanks for your advice Kerry-anne xxxxxxx

Listen for the comforting noise it makes as it drives I can't sleep unless I can hear mine going. Fingers crossed it will be OK overnight. As it has been bad today I would call and arrange a replacement tomorrow cos the weekend is coming!


ps is is a green or a blue graseby?

GreenIts green graseby your like me i can not settle until i hear the pump going when im in bed lol had to many early hour morning admissions and now its like my right hand man my infushion i think ive calmed down a bit now just sooooo scared if it didnt work having a chest infection aswell last week when i was in hospital they said it was just a viral infection now my chest makes a bubbeling noise so anoying and im going through salbutamol like wild fire thankagain Kerry-anne xxxxx

Final thought, this has not happened to me but I have heard of it happening the syringe is for some reason stuck or stiff and so the motor can not drive it and it therefore alarms. I think it was Kate Moss who said always pull out and push back in the plunger (sorry for layman's terminology) before filling the syringe and you should feel if one is a bit harder than normal. I have discarded the odd syringe before using it because of this.Bex

KateMoss profile image


Yes it can be stiff syringes that cause blockages - I always squidge the syringe before filling it to loosen it up a bit. check the line is not blocked either - boost some through un attached. ( What needles are you using?)

Also check to see if there is something jamming the plunger pushing bit on the syringe driver - the bit that pushes. Push in the button and move it back & forward a couple of times - don't grate the threads though!!! Then boost it without the syringe in it a few times.

Also if the boost button is boosted too many times in succesion it will allarm.

The Grazebys can be fickle things and throw a wobbly for no reason at all.

Get it changed!


You know this thread has made me think maybe we should create a top 10 tips thread for sub cut. I know there is a thread already but you have to wade through it all. Maybe here or somewhere those of us using it could put our head together and come up with something. The advice about syringes sticking for example I know that is buried somewhere in the sub cut users thread but you would have wade through to find it.

My thought is to thrash out the top tips and then to post them on a tips thread that is not designed to replied to just one that can be found or bumped up quickly if you are new user or if like Kerry your machine starts being bad in the middle of the night.



Many thanks everyone giving me such a quick response you will be pleased to no it was just my site needle kept blocking so bricanyl could not filter through but im back up and running so to speak again thanks everyone kerry-anne xxx


Brilliant idea Bex xxx

Excellent idea, we are pondering the idea of an FAQ section (if software will allow) so the top ten subcut tips would certainly be something to include in that!

Perhaps Kate and Bex would like to take the lead in collaborating on this one?


OK lets kick it off. Please feel free to add, amend or make comments on the below:

If your Graseby machine randomly alarms go through the list below.

1) don't panic

2) check the battery and replace if it has not been changed recently note: some machines are fussy and don't like cheap batteries.

3) re-site your needle and if you are using extension or separate tubing change that at the same time.

4) Change the syringe drawing up fresh bricanyl/salbutamol

5) Try running the driver with no syringe in it for a few minutes, you should be able to hear the motor driving and see the light is flashing. If not there maybe fluff or something obstructing it and stopping it have quick look and make sure it is not obstructed in any way.

6) If all the above fail contact your local hospital if it is out of hours and you don't have a out of hours number go to your local A&E they may well either be able to sort out a loan pump or at worst and if you are likely to go off over night admit you and put you on one of their big syringe drivers until a replacement can be found the next day.

7) If you are offered a machine that is not identical to your own make sure you check and double check with the staff the run rate as depending on model of machine and size of syringe it can vary hugely note: even drs and nurses find the graseby run rate calculations mind bogglingly complicated so don't be afraid to make sure they have it right.

8) if you have had trouble with your machine that you can not definitely put down to it being a dead battery, blocked tube, stuck syringe or occluded site and randomly starts behaving it is worth calling your team to arrange for a replacement the next day anyway as you don't want to have the fuss or worry again.



9, dont be afraid to ask for help and if it needs explaining to you 10 times so be it

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