HELP!! Asthma and Osteoporosis? - Asthma Community ...

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HELP!! Asthma and Osteoporosis?

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Hello there everybody. I hope you are well. My name is Emma Mersseman and I am currently in my fourth and final year at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine. For my dissertation I am doing a survey on the association of Asthma and Osteporosis and I am desperate for your help! I originally thought I would beable to distribute through medical centres and hospitals but since found out they are unable to help. Please, please if you or anyone you know has asthma and osteoporosis, female and between 45-65, could you please fill out my survey, it will take no longer than a few minutes, promise. The rsults can be emailed via this website or my email is: Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.ARE YOU AGED BETWEEN FORTY-FIVE AND SIXTY-FIVE AND FEMALE?HAVE YOU SUFFERED WITH ASTHMA LONGER THAN FIVE YEARS AND NOW HAVE OSTEOPOROSIS?If you can answer ‘yes’ to both of these questions, please take a few minutes to answer the following questionnaire. Answer all the questions to the best of your knowledge. Simply tick the relevant boxes. A few questions may require you to write something in full. Please write in capitals.PERSONAL INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED ASSTRICTLY CONFIDENTIALAge: ___ Weight: ___ Height: ___ Medication: ___1) Which of the following best describes your ethnic origin?Bangladeshi ___ Black other ___ Pakistan ___Black African___ Chinese ___ White___ Black Caribbean ___ Indian ___ Other ___2) Please state your occupation:Retired ___ House –person___ Manual ___ Unemployed ___ Clerical ___ Student ___ Other: ___3) How long have you been diagnosed with Asthma?5-10 years ___ 10-15 years ___ 15-20years ___ >20years ___4) What medication do you take for your asthma?Salbutamol ____ Beclametasone dipropionate _____ Budesonide _____ Fluticasone _____ Mometasone ____ Trimcinolone ____ Other -: _____5) At what measure is your medication?50ug ____ 100ug ____ 200ug ____ 250ug ____ 500ug ____ 800ug ____1000ug ____ 2000ug ____6) For the majority of that time, at what stage would you consider your Asthma?Mild/ occasional use of inhaler (0-5x per week) ___ Moderate/ Daily use of inhaler ___Severe/ High use 2-4x daily ___ Irratic/ uncontrolled(>4x per day) ___7) How long have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis? 0-5 year ___ 5-10 years ___ 10-15 years ___ 15-20 years ___ 20 years or more ___8) Is there any family history of osteoporosis?Yes ___ No ___If applicableExercise:9) How often do you partake in regular exercise?Once every two weeks ___ Once a week ___ Twice a week ___Three times a week ___ Three times a week or more ___ 10) How long has exercise been a regular occurrence in your lifestyle?1-month ___ 1-3months ___ 3-6months ___ 6months- 1-year ___1- 3 years ___ 3-6years ___ 6-9 years ___ 10 years or more ___11) On average how long does each session last?0-15 minutes ___ 15- 30 minutes ___ 30 – 45 minutes ___ 45 – 60 minutes ___ 60 minutes or more ___ 12) Please state what type of exercise you do:________________________________13) How long were/have you been smoking?Less than 1 year ___ 1-5 years ___ 5-10 years ___ 10-20 years ___20 years or more ___ 14) If you have given up, how long ago did you stop?Less than 1 year ___ 1-5 years ___ 5-10 years ___ 10-20 years ___ More than 20 years ___15) Do you regularly drink alcohol?Yes ___ No ___ Once every two weeks ___ Once a month ___ Every few months ___16) If yes, on average how often per week?1-5 glasses ___ 5-10 glasses ___ 10-15 glasses ___ 15-20 glasses ___ 20 glasses or more ___Diet17) On average, how many portions of fruit and vegetables do you consume on a daily basis?0 ___ 1-3 ___ 3-5 ___ 5-7 ___ 7-9 ___ 9 or more ___ 18) On average, how many portions of dairy do you consume on a daily basis?0 ___ 1-3 ___ 3-5 ___ 5-7 ___ 7- 9 ___ 9 or more ___19) Do you receive daily sunlight?Yes ___ No ___20) On average, how many fizzy drinks do you consume?Less than 1 a month ___ 1 every two weeks ___ 1 every week ___ 3-4 a week ___ 1 daily ___ 1 daily or more ___21) What supplements do you take, if any?* OPTIONALNAME:CONTACT TELEPHONE NO.:

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