Hi all. I’ve looked around online as to what well controlled asthma is because that’s what we’re supposed to be aiming for, right? Here’s the gist of what I’ve found:-
• Few to no symptoms day or night
• Perform daily activities without symptoms
• Sleeping well
• Normal (for you) peak flow
Does that mean that I should be able to do pretty much what I want, as long as it's not something ridiculous like walking through woods when tree pollen is a trigger, OR should I be able to do that too? If I stay indoors and keep the doors and windows shut all year round then I can achieve that list but it's no fun and pretty darned boring.
I have so many things on my trigger list that avoiding them all is nigh on impossible. For the most part the meds I'm on (DuoResp Spiromax 160/4.5, two puffs twice a day; Montelukast 10mg at night; Fexofenadine 120mg, one tablet twice a day) do a decent job - until they don't. Plus, my immune system decided that being triggered by cold air (below 10-12 deg C) and tree pollen wasn't enough. Last year it decided that I should also be plagued by grass and weed pollen too! So even less time in the year to go out for a walk, like I used to be able to do before asthma entered my life.
Asthma has taken away so much of what I used to enjoy doing and I'm feeling quite resentful about it. Should I be talking to the asthma nurse or GP, if I can manage to get an appointment, to change meds or dosage so that I CAN go out and about as I want for more than 2-3 months a year, or am I expecting too much and need to learn to settle with where I am now?
Apologies if this is rambly or disjointed. My asthma is playing up at the moment and it always affects my thinking skills. In fact, the brain fog has been an issue since my last exacerbation over Christmas - treatable at home, fortunately.