How do I close my account?: I would... - Asthma Community ...

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How do I close my account?

23 Replies

I would like to know how to close my account here. Thanks.

23 Replies

You just stop posting... Simples.

aww! Hope you hang around and proud to be a member like me! The MODS will keep eye on glynis xxx

Ratty, I just recently joined so this is my first post. Would like to close my account entirely if possible.

Hi Ko. Sory you are leaving .A warm welcome to you xxx can see your setting writing is in black so you carnt be pm'd. So all you need to do is log out of auk to leave. Take care and hope u change your mind.Good luck with your asthma xxx

angievere profile image

Sorry you want to leave when you've only just joined. I've picked up a lot of tips and useful information and made some nice friends. Hope your asthma improves.

As someone who is new to this forum (but not to asthma) I can understand why you want to close your account. From the remarks some people are making on this forum to people who are just looking for a little reassurance and support when going through something which is scary or lonely to them, it making me think I'm gonna stop visiting this forum too. I think there are certain people who are up on their high horse and aren't showing too much consideration for others. But that's just how I see it as an 'outsider'

No one is forcing anybody to be here, to read posts, or partake in discussion. If you don't like what you see and don't feel it's for you, the solution really is simple. Don't read it. There's a red X in the corner of the internet window which I've heard, if you click on it, makes whatever you're looking at disappear - magic.

I get a huge amount of support from orthers on this forum - some who are regulars and some who pop up with a really useful comment or suggestion I hadn't thought of. I read the comments made - some I agree with and some I don't, but I have enough sense just to ignore those I don't want to read. I enjoy being here and feel I get a lot from it - both in terms of support with things I'm finding difficult and in generally sharing ideas/support/laughs with others. My asthma's behaving fairly well at the moment, but I don't feel any less welcome.

If you don't want to be here, then don't be here, but don't make a whole song and dance about how it's not what you wanted. If you went to a Chinese takeaway which only had Chinese food, you wouldn't make a fuss about them not stocking fish and chips - what they had on offer didn't suit you so you'd go somewhere that did sell fish and chips. If you don't like what this forum offers, then there are other places to go which may be more suited to your tastes. But please don't make the rest of us feel bad because we like crispy duck instead of fish and chips.

yaf_user681_8101 profile image

I think its a straight forward question? Doesn't say why or complain about anything. Some would say that its good practise to close accounts that'll not be used.

I hope you chose to stay Ko

I do not know how you close your account properly, but it may be worth private messaging one of the moderators as they may be able to tell you or point you in the direction of someone who can close the account for you who works for asthma UK.

Hi Ko, Sorry to hear you want to leave almost immediately. Take no notice of some of our posters getting on their high horses. Forget the suggestion of closing the page. Instead click on the red label that connects to Ask an asthma nurse. Have found the AUK asthma nurses to be invaluable any time I've emailed them. PM me any time you want a chat.

I'm fairly new to asthma and still learning. Sometimes I put my foot well and truly in it too. Apologies everyone. Mods are there to keep us all right and if there is a post that irritates or you feel just isnt 'right' in some way, there is the option to report that post in confidence. I've done it once or twice myself.

I've met some special people on here and hope to meet more. We share the common bond of having asthma or know someone with asthma and, like most communities both on-line and off, we don't always share each others opinions. Sometimes we rush in a bit heavy handed. Mention Buteyko and I confess I do get a bit over the top with my replies. Sorry, buteyko'd, if you are reading this. No idea what the thread was that had you displeased but please reconsider. Watch the boards - did you know you can do this without actually signing in. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry and no time to chat, I take a quick look at the subjects that interest me then scoot off to do the shopping or, heaven forfend, a bit of hoovering - tend not to notice dust on surfaces and carpets. Husband tells me he must introduce us to one another, one day. Thats me and the hoover by the way. Hubbie and I have know each other for 40 years plus. Gosh I sound so old when say it like that. OK folks, I am that old.

Anyway purpose of my long post is to say stick around and you never know, there may be a thread that makes you say ""hang it, I have something to say here"".

Wishing you all the best whatever decision you make on our boards.


Ratty, I don't understand what you're talking about as I rarely come on the forums and don't know what the current issues are. I have no problem with anyone, was just a simple question as to how to close my account. But thanks for the unwelcoming reply.

angievere profile image

Ko - have just checked and you can not actually close your account. According to an old post AUK does not allow the deletion of accounts as such, but account holders can stop posting, and as in your case, block their profile so no one can get in touch. Hope that helps and good luck.

Ko, my reply was to HeatherW. I've already said just don't post which, erm, seems to be the correct answer. Anyway, why would you want welcoming if you're leaving, surely a goodbye would be more in order, though as I don't know you I'm not sure why.

Welcome Ko, the boards used to be a happy and safe community where you could come to terms with your diagnosis of asthma and ask for support and get it without retribution. Now it would seem that the 'happy' bit of our community is well hidden. It is still there though I'm sure just lurking below the surface.

We have 'Moderators' who help to keep us safe on the boards, they do this on a voluntary basis and are the unsung heroes of the boards. Its not easy living with a long term condition and sometimes this leads to people not being as understanding as perhaps they should be. There have been blips on the boards before that have been diffused eventually.

I'm sorry that you don't feel welcome but over the years a lot of people have benefited and gained a better understanding of asthma from these boards and its worth seeing beyond the 'blips' and hanging on in there.

Asthma UK goes a long way in filling the gaps that the NHS leaves, and I have learnt so much from them - the Asthma UK Nurse helpline is fantastic and I think you can e-mail them now too. So even if you don't want to post hang on in there, take good care and hope you soon find the warm welcome that used to be a hallmark of these boards, Lois x

yaf_user681_8101 profile image


This is a support forum, and its been very useful to me. Please don't judge the place on whats going on this weekend. This is usually a both friendly and helpful place. I really do hope you stick around.

I hope your breathing easy!

Yeouch! Some pretty harsh replies to a simple question, guys!

Ko, I assume you're referring to your overall AUK website account, rather than just message board membership. AUK don't delete/close accounts for security reasons, but if you want to avoid having mailshots via email or post, then you may need to contact the office directly. I would recommend first stop being



Well said Cathbear! Sorry to hear some people aren't happy & others on their high horses. I've come here on and off for several years and have found it is generally friendly & helpful. This is the only place I've found where there will be others who have had similar experiences. People always have differences of opinions etc. GrannyMo, just had that hoovering conversation too, dustmites are bad and hoovering disrupts them up in the air remember ;) Anyway ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Hi and Welcome to this forum - its sad to see that the responses to such a simple question are extremely harsh and very unhelpful if im honesy. Sensible question though.

Ignore the harsh replies below :) one day these people will step down off their high horse into the real world, i'm only a teenager and have more respect than some of these people.

Good luck Ko :) All the best for the future x

Asthma-girl profile image

Hello Ko,

I am sorry that you have decided to leave this forum, over the years' I have found the information here very helpful and have got some good friends.

I would like to wish you all the best and hope that your asthma does not cause you too many problems

What on earth is going on at the Asthma UK forum just now? I can't believe how rude and unhelpful people are being to others. I left AUK a few years ago due to this type of thing and have only recently returned. Very sad to hear such unhelpful posts to what are just straightforward simple questions.

Have to agree, some of the recent posts have not been too nice on here lately.

But will stick around, and keep posting and reading because there ain't anywhere else for us.


so true :( was just a simple question requiring simple answer.

sorry to hear your leaving the forum and website ko.

good luck with your asthma :)

x x x

blimey what have i missed? only been away a couple of days and seems all hells broken out. i first came on a few years ago to read information about asthma when first diagnosed but didnt use the forum, then decided to ask a few questions when i was struggling in more recent times. i think its been a great help for me in understanding that everyones asthma is different yet the same. when info been posted that i dont like or dont agree with i just ignore it as everyone has different opinions on how to cope etc and as long as the reply isnt going to cause a medical problem then i think thats fine isnt it?. hope i havent offended anyone as id be mortified xxx

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