Seretide Club (Any new members Welcome) - Asthma Community ...

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Seretide Club (Any new members Welcome)

66 Replies

Hi,Welcome 2 the seretide club,Im the team leader,btw does any1 have msn?

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66 Replies



Arniemouse profile image

Hi I will join have been on it for several years have the space ship inhaler 500 - 2 puffs twice day


Hi everyone

I have been on seretide 250 for 2 years but need to take spireva also.

Den, Space Ship inhaler!

Have used Accuhalers for 10 years and never heard them called that!

I too am on the full monty top whack 500/50 Seretide. 2 puffs twice a day.

Hello everyone

Can i join too?

I am on the 250/25 seretide 4 puff twice a day. Tried the spaceship one and didn't get on with it so went back to 250 with spacer.


Please can I join too! I'm on 125/6 mdi, 3 puffs morning and night, plus singulair. I moved onto seretide in January, after years on symbicort turbohaler - because the powder was affecting my voice.

I'm really excited about symbicort being available as an mdi in the summer, though, and I might prefer to go back on that. It's early days though, so I'm still trying to see which is better for me...


I am seretide 500 2 puffs twice a day been on it for a couple of months now and seem to be doing ok on it touch wood (well no trips to costa) evn had viral flu and manged to stya out of costa whereas before I would of been in straight away so that got to be good.


I was on seretide 500/50 UNTILL I needed to up my steroid side more and was then put on the seperates again.....


can i join- been on seretide 500 2 puffs twice a day for a while not sure how long cant remeber.

my little bro alays called my accuhaler a space ship aswell.


I always refer to my separate accuhalers as bubble fish lol

Hello. I'm on Seretide 125 3 puffs morning and night.


can i join to ??? i am also on the top wack of seretide and have been for several years now.

btw i have msn gneilson



Hello, Yes all of you can join (if you have msn please private mail me ur addy) if you want 2, it would be nice 2 be able 2 chat 2 people like me, (with asthma) oh well any 1 can join, oh btw if u wnt 2 visit my website

Have a good day ppl



Moose1 profile image

Not sure if you can lot will be able to help me. Dr changed me on to seretide 125 from symbicort 200/6. This was 2 wks ago tomorrow, am i right in thinking i should have seen some kind of effect by now? Or is 2 wks a bit soon and hopeful?


gneilson, please don't post your personal details on the boards. As we explained on the MSN thread this is for your own safety.

I'll join the club too....I'm on seretide 250 with added flixotide 250 as don't get on with DPIs so can't use seretide 500.

Perhaps we could call it Slub!? (seretide club)



I have seretide too - the 250 one.


hi can i join in ive been on it for 4 years 2 puffs 500 a day plus pullmacort and spriva


Hi what colour is it (no good with allthe long names)

thanks xxx

Moose1 profile image

The seretide MDI inhaler is purple (strangely enough, my fav colour lol)


hi, is that the mixed one or can you get a green one, thanks xxx

Moose1 profile image

The seretide inhaler is purple, this inhaler contains salmeterol (a long acting reliever) and fluticasone (a preventer). It comes in 3 strengths and colour varies depending on the strength but all 3 are purple based. It is known as a combined inhaler

The green inhaler you mentioned is just salmeterol, this is just a long acting reliever

Hope that clears it up for you?


New Place

Hi there, there is a new online hobby going round called cyber battles, there will be an arina oppening on the ""off-topic"" bit, what you do is you choose 2 weapons:

Bow and knife

then you do

gneilson: draws knife and looks at you in a ready battle stnace

Oppent: i aim at you with my bow, and let the arrow so

gneilson: dodges

Oppent: runs at you drawing knife

gneilson: throws his knife

oppent: falls tot the floor...... dead


Fight real people around the globe

Go 2 offtopic and look for ""Cyber Battle""


Can I join? Been on Setetide for about 18 months. 250 dose, 4 puffs morning and 4 at night. I do find a difference compared to Pulmicort but i'm on so much other stuff its hard to tell what is doinjg what!!

seretide 500 four puffs a day.... hello.......!!1

I'm in... Seretide 125 for me... have been on it for about 6months now... before that I was on Seretide 50 for about a year.


250 two puffs aday for me, ive been on it for a year and a half i think

I am on seretide 500 , I take one puff twice a day, I have been on it for 3 months and it works well.


I also am on that exact dose :)

Seretide Club

I have been on Seretide 250 since being diagnosed with Asthma in January it seems to do the trick for me although Im still geeting my medication sorted out, my GP is threatening to cut it to Sereteide 125 but I dont want hm to. My wife is also on Seretide 125 For about six months and it works for her. I particularly like the counter on the inhaler.

I am also on Seretide 250, tried reducing it to 125 but failed dismally. Only just joined, and has been good to read some of these posts - is good ot know there are others out there like me!

Hi folks

I have the credentials to join, I am on 250 x2 in morning x 2 miday x 2 bedfore bed.

AND DO I KNOW IT IF I MISS A DOSE !!!!! So for me it must be doing what its meant to.

I am also a member of the weight loss club, if my friends knew I was clubing like I am, they just would not belive it. As some nights now I can get to 2 clubs and not have to use my inhaler.

Cheer's Here's to club nights


Yup I am in the club.... Seretide 125 morning and night... switched as my exercise induced asthma was getting worse and had to take the Ventolin more and more often as I did my training (running).


ill join the club. started off on seretide 250 but was moved up to 500 twice in the morning and twice in the evening when i was taken for a 7 day stay in hospital 2 weeks ago.

i was on seretide but it made me have insomnia so now im on symbicort but can i join any way :-) plez ### hannah ###

My son is.....

My 5 year old is on Seretide 50 - 2 puffs twice a day

Annie x

I'm on 250 - 2puffs morning + nite

wen I saw the nurse 4 my flu jab,

she said if I'm doing well on it 2 try & step down 2 1puff morning + nite.

But that didn't work as good.

Hi all

Thought I'd get some advice frmo members of the club! I'm on Seretide 250 but used to have the accuhaler, and suddenly my doc has changed it to the MDI without telling me - know it's the same dose, but prefer the accuhaler (as I am v lazy and it's less effort and also think my technique was better with that) - should I say something - I'm afraid they'll think I'm making a big fuss over nothing - which I probably am!

Moan over!

me too


I'm on seretide 50 2 puffs twice a day. i've had this since I had pneumonia/asthma properly diagnosed last September. Bizarrely enough 3 other people at my work have been given seretide over the last year or 2. Two of them newly diagnosed asthmas like me!

got back form the docs yesterday and hes managed to worrie me yet again. according to him if im on the seritide 500 2 mornin 2 evenin then i shouldnt be needing my salbutamol at all during the day. the problem is im having to use it on average 6/8 times a day. do you think this is a sign my asthma is getting worse?

Moose1 profile image

i think if u're taking 1000mcg of seretide a day and still needing your reliever than something isn't right. perhaps u need further investigation? perhaps u need to see someone at the hospital?

I have to go the dr's in the morning. I'm currently on 125mcg but still having problems, so i guess she'll up my inhaler strength? I really don't know what's going on or why :o(


Hi Snaarfie,

definately sounds like you're getting worse - could be for a number of reasons though so important to find out why and to start feeling a lot better again - and not need so much ventolin! Have you been seen at your hospital / chest clinic at all? Sounds like someone needs to look at your preventers and see if anything else works better as you're on a high dose of seretide there

Christine - hope you feel better soon. I had to increase my seretide, and it took a while but am finally getting back on track - hope the same happens to you!

Moose1 profile image

Thanks cal,

I've now left the 'seretide club' lol. The dr has split my inhaler, i'm now on beclometasone and salmeterol, so we'll see what happens!


hello... i'm new here and i want to join the seretide club! my inhaler is purple, and whilst this is way cooler, along with the little counter thing, than my beclamethasone, i still wish it was pink. and that goes for my salbutamol too.

hi can i join you new to the site I have been on seretide 500 BD since october after my real bad attack. Have still been left on Ventolin 4 times a day thre are not changing it to prn as peak flows still not back to normol

Hi, Just signed up to the discussion forum, moved from Seretide 125 2 puffs BD, to Seretide 250 2 puffs BD, to Seretide 250 2 puffs BD plus singulair each night. Seems well controlled now, apart from during extreme excercise, football/mountain biking. Anyone on similar regime with similar difficulties during sport.....any advice? Thanks very much

I've got exactly the same as you Tiger, doses and all!

But I don't do any sport anymore - I did karate up to my 3rd Kyu (brown belt) but had to quit due to a dud knee.

Thinking of daring to sign up to Japanese sword fighting after my A level exams, don't think it will put much strain on my knee.

Shadz xxx

ps: welcome 2 the club!

I am on seretide500 twice aday, I have been on it since january now.

Hi i am new to the forum, i am on the same medication as tiger13.

Seritide 250 accuhaler 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening and a singular pill each day.

i have been on serite for years now previuosly on serevent and flixetide but of course they have been combined and called it seretide

I am on seritide 125 2 puffs am and pm with ventolin in middle of day when needed.

hi, I'm new

I also am on Seritide 50/250, plus Theo-Dur,Singulair,Aerius,Prednisolon, and Airomir, My doc also says that I am allergic to our family dog, even though I was sick for two years before we got him.


Im also on seretide twice a day, found it hard at first but now I know if I dont take it I will be bad within 2-3days.

Any advice anyone?



I've been on Seretide 250 evohaler for about 3 years. I had it upped last week though from 1000 (2 puffs twice a day) to 2000 (4 puffs twice a day). I know this is a pretty big dose of Seretide and the side affects, palpertations, scratchy voice and headache have been quite bad. Just wondered if anyone else was on this amount? and whether they found the side affects quite bad? I have just been recently started on a few other meds and I wondering if its them instead. I can't really say I've noticed a difference yet.

tks xxxxxxxx

Hello TKS, when i first went on inhaled steroids i started on 1000 seretide but they then realised after side effects like u described that they were overdoesing me on serevent to get the amount of steroid you need hence they changed me to separate inhalers, this is a bit of a pain in the arse as its now 6 puffs twice a day!! But i know you have mentioned before that the rbh do things other costa do?

Maybe worth mentioning it to Ross?

Speak soon lovely

Andrea xxx

Hey TKS,

Me too with regards to high doses of seretide. However, a couple of months ago got changed to oxis as my long acting reliever from serevent so gave up the seretide 4 separates. I'm on 3000mcg of flixotide (6puffs bd). Bit of a pain in the arse as takes so long to take!

Didn't notice to bad side effects except for the dreaded oral thrush.

Em xx

KateMoss profile image


I use Serevent 250 MDI 2 puffs twice a day and top up the steroid component with Flixotide 250 MDI 2 puffs twice a day when needed - which seems to be all the time at the mo! Its a pitty that the MDIs don't go up to 500mcg of the flixotide component! The Dry powder ones do!


We have a first timer!

hi, just noticed this thread lol! I was put on seretide yesterday as the consultant didnt think that good old becloforte and serevent were doing the trick lol! What experiences have people had with this? And will i finally be free of the ventolin?

I wanted seretide coz i like the purle colour but as am on flixotide 1000mcgs it would over dose me on the serevent :( i asked anyway as thought could top up the steroid with extra 2 puffs flix but asthma nurse said actually no evidence that seretide is better than single serevent and flixotide. Stillits nicer colour!!!!

Love Andrea xxx


I have been on seretide for a few years now - started on 125 and went up to 500 (4 times a day) my face was round, had acne and facial hair. But my peak flow stabilised. The consultant said i had been prescribed too much as had bad shakes down left side too. So went to 2 puffs twice a day. Peak flow still good. So reduced to 250 - peak flow erratic and now back on the same amount but through 250 2 puffs 4 times a day to get the benefit of the ventolin stuff. I don't know what you guys think, but do we become dependant on these? I have been on the dose of 250 2 puffs 4 times a day for a while now [not sure what that is in other drug terms] and still erratic. The consultant put me on Amicollyphin (andrea thanks for your feedback on this:-) and only now it is beginning to level but still heavily reactionary.


I've been on seretide for years now and have steadily increased from 125 to 500 now. WEndy - don't think you'll ever get rid of the ventolin i'm afraid, it's still my best friend, thoguh don't think I'm properly controlled yet and all cons seems to do is up my seretide each time I go - not sure what he'll do next time as think I'm on top whack now! Andrea I agree, prefer purple to orange and green!

I take seretide 250 2 puffs twice a day. Been taking seretide for........... *thinks for a moment* about 5 years. The new mdi's a kind of groovy with the little counter thingy at the back. :)

just upped my seritide just over a week ago to 250 2 puffs twice a day.

definately, the purple colour is funky! Plus if i still have it in the winte, it will match my coat/ flares/ eyeshadow/ that skirt and top gothic number ;) and (the worst part) a pair of my headphones LOL!

CAL: nah, i dont think i will be ignoring the ventolin, especally as its REALLY hot at the moment and very muggy.

Take care everybody


Seretide MDI 125/25

Hi all

I was originally on Symbicort 2 puffs twice daily due to husky voice & shakes even though I rinsed & gargled.

Saw my Doctor today & he put me on Seretide MDI 125/25 2 puffs twice daily. Hopefully wont get the husky voice since can use seretide with my spacer now.

I luv the purple look too.


I'm in the 250 club.

With Combivent as well I'm getting good results, except for the voice croak.

I was on seretide once before, I notice this time that it has a counter built in, it counts down from 120 .... I think. Seems to be a new innovation?

hi, i've kust been put on seritide 250, so can i join?

hope u r all ok


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