has anyone ever experienced anxiety / tremors from Seretide inhalers ? I’ve only been on a week but not sure if it’s this
seretide: has anyone ever experienced... - Asthma Community ...

Oh really, that’s interesting thank you x
Hello there, I've been on it for a few years (full dose evohaler 250) and find it pretty good. I find it compliments spiriva respimat which I also take. The initial side effects abated after a few weeks and the only one I still notice is cramps in my legs perhaps once a month. I think you should give it a couple of months and don't panic. Keep a diary and see how it goes for you.
I always take it with a spacer in a single breath. One thing I've found is that the nozzle clogs up a bit in humid weather. I use a water colour brush to clean it after use. I also remove the device from the casing (it just slips out) and brush the internal nozzle and receiver which also gets dusty. This means I get a consistent dose right to the end of the inhaler and there are no misfires. You can practice with an old one when it is spent. Best of luck.
BigGor Have you had your early morning cortisol level checked with a blood test? As you say, Seretide is very effective for many people, but at high strength it can cause other problems. Unfortunately, the main one is not something GPs see very often, so probably worth talking to your respiratory consultant about the issues that you have to see if you can be switched to an alternative, and whether your cortisol level requires a referral to endocrinology. At the very least, whilst on Seretide 500 you should be carrying a steroid card at all times.
Hi. Sorry, I should have added, it’s now Seretide 250 I’m on. To be honest, no I never considered that or the GP has never suggested it. I’ll certainly bear that in mind, thanks for that! There’s lots of coughs / colds in house at the moment, so I’m taking Seretide just now. I do agree that Seretide is very effective but I’m sadly someone that’s now got some issues after being on it for more than 10 years.
Even on Seretide 250, the same applies. You should be given a steroid card to carry when on Seretide 250 as well. Personally, I ended being diagnosed with tertiary (but often referred to as secondary) adrenal insufficiency after taking four puffs of Seretide 250 for just a number of months. Thankfully, we think mine may be reversible, hopefully within the next year. As I said, it's not a condition many GPs know much about, and certainly it gets misdiagnosed regularly, so you may find that you have to raise the possibility, whether with your GP or your respiratory consultant. In the meantime, be cautious about using it for weeks at a time and then stopping - if your HPA axis is being suppressed by the Seretide 250, suddenly stopping could be risky.
That’s really interesting, thanks. I’ve never been offered a steroid card in my life and as I say, I’ve been on it a while. To be honest, and no disrespect to the NHS, but the majority of the time they’re hopeless (in my area)! I’ll certainly look into this and will take your advice about stopping suddenly etc. Cheers.

This is a potentially dangerous approach for many people with asthma. I appreciate that Seretide and others have side effects and I'm fully aware how frustrating it is to get fobbed off.
However, Ventolin doesn't treat the inflammation in your airways and relying on it can be dangerous if you're not addressing the reason you have symptoms. It's also possible to have inflammation without many asthma symptoms, which again is dangerous.
For some people with asthma who don't have symptoms often, it can work to take a combined steroid and reliever inhaler only when you have symptoms - it's called AIR and for some people it works just as well as a preventer all the time and a reliever as needed: asthmaandlung.org.uk/sympto... However, it's not suitable for everyone and should be prescribed by a healthcare professional. May be worth asking about however if you have milder asthma and thinking it may work for you.
You could also call the helpline: 0300 2225800 or WhatsApp on 07999 377 775 Monday-Friday 0915-5pm as they have more time and are good at helping you with what to say to your GP or asthma nurse when you feel fobbed off.
Hi, Reading you post I was surprised at this QUOTE "day to day and only take Seretide when I have a cold etc. "UNQUOTE.
Seratide is a preventer and NOT a reliever. Some inhalers do have side effects at the start - With Seratide any shaky feelings you get would not come from STEROID 'Fluticasone" as the amount is tiny, I believe and shaky feeling would come from the .salmeterol. ingredient.
In short Seratide should not be taken as a reliver, Salmanol is normally used for that.
If you are getting bad side effects after using the seratide inhaler correctly - Then make an appointment with your GP preferably a different on in the practice.
I suggest you take your concerns to a GP and ask for a different inhaler, I use Foatair I was taken of seratide to go on Fostair - I had no problems with either.
The steroid in an inhaler is for imflamation and it's important you take that if prescribed - if Seratide is really upsetting you, ask for a change of inhalers..
Forget Google they are a poor substitute for a real doctor, the problem is everyone is different.
I think you need advice from people who know Lysistrata who answered you earlier gave this good advice "You could also call the helpline: 0300 2225800" - They will listen and advise you what is best.
Good luck and sack Dr Google.
I was trying to get off Seretide and managed to go months without taking it. Just my usual ventolin twice a day. Then got a bad cold, ended up a bit wheezy, so started Seretide etc. Symptoms cleared so stopped Seretide again. For the record, I’ve changed GP practice and they’re as bad as the last practice, hence why I google.
Fair enough but seretide must never be used as a relief inhaler, it's not designed for that and if you are taking more puffs to relive symptoms, it will enhance side effects. With seratide 2 puffs morning and to pffs beedtime should not be exceded without a doctors permission as more would mean more side effects.
I am settledwith Fostair 2 puffs morning and night - Atrovent 4 times daily. Ventalin I am not keen on /
You are getting a raw deal with doctors, really you could ring helpline for advice.