I have been on seretide 250 for over 10 years I went for an eye test and optician found I had high pressure behind the eye referred to hospital as it was very high and consultant told me it could be the seretide anyone else had experience of this I know the patient leaflet does say about glaucoma. I also bruise very easily. I would be interested to hear any similar experiences.
seretide: I have been on seretide 25... - Asthma Community ...

Hi I was on Seretide 250 for a few years and had the bruising and my skin is very thin. The bruising was dreadful. I had to stop wearing a watch as even that bruised me. I haven't had the high pressure in my eyes. I was then changed to Fostair 200 and am now on Trimbow. The bruising is much better. I can even wear a watch again. My skin remains thin so I have to take care of that. My asthma/COPD is well controlled. I also use Bricanyl but don't need it very often. Sorry I can't help with the eye pressure but I am so glad I stopped using Seretide. You should consult your GP or consultant. Good luck.
Hi, I am also on Seretide 250( 2 puffs am and pm) & have been on this for years. I bruise and bleed beneath the skin very easily..just a light touch causes a bleed/bruise. I haven't had high pressure in the eyes but I am not remotely surprised that the use of this inhaler has caused Yr symptoms. I have had cataracts removed, in my 40's, the cause of which was put down to the use of the steroid inhalers! I tried cutting down to 1 puff twice a day ,to try and reduce the dose, but also because I've had esophageal thrush several times. That resulted in an bad asthma flare up and my asthma became very poorly controlled.I would like to reduce my dosage or change to an alternative inhaler but I'm guessing there is no getting away from the steroids if you need a preventative inhaler.
Hoping you can perhaps change your inhaler to a preferable alternative, and wishing you the best outcome.
thank you for your reply you have same as me regarding the bruising I’m seeing consultant on Wednesday regarding my eye pressure if he believes it’s the seretide I will be having a conversation with respiratory nurse if there is an alternative I can swap to.
Hi Popplemoggy, I had exactly the same with Seretide, terribly thin skin so thin it ripped off at the slightest knock. I had to carry Steristrips wherever I went to stick down the flaps. A respiratory nurse actually told me inhalers couldn't cause this problem (thank goodness she's no longer at the practice. I also got huge blood blisters on the soft tissue of my throat all the time.
Inhaler was finally changed to Fostair. My skin has improved immensely, no trouble with throat blisters/bleeding, no thrush and it works so well for me that I rarely need ventolin........ eyes are fine though Tunbury, good luck with changing inhae my advise would be to do the change when you're in a well phase as a new one can take a bit of time to kick in.
Hi Peege, it's interesting that you mention about blood blisters in your throat . I have a tendency to get blood blisters in my mouth in the soft tissue areas (inside the cheeks.) I thought it odd that they just seemed to appear. Maybe the Seretide is the cause of these.You mention you are now on Fostair, and I was wondering what the steroid content is, compared to what you were taking when you were on Seretide.
It's gr8 news you have seen improvements since you changed to Fostair, long may it continue for you.
I have tried reducing my dose of seretide to one puff AM & PM with the Respiratory nurses support but I was waking in the night gasping for breath. I am not happy being on the dose of Seretide I am on and I think I will speak to my Resp Nurse again to discuss possible alternatives. Although, when I spoke to her a few months ago she suggested I would have to go back to using an inhaler I have previously used. She has never mentioned Fostair. It should be an interesting conversation.
Best wishes to you.
Hi again, I should have mentioned that the blood blisters on throat occurred when scratched by a crunchy crust, crisp or ryvita. At a dinner to meet my son's French future in-laws I had to discreetly go to the bathroom after a fish bone scratch, I could feel the blister growing fast, by the time I got to the loo it had grown to cover the airway completely. My son found me trying to burst it. Most embarrassing, I made him pretend I'd swallowed a fishbone .
With my respiratory nurse's support I took Seretide twice at night (my asthma is always worse at night) & once in the morning during winter. I do the same with Fostair which is designed to take as & when (at least my dose is). In summer one puff morning & night is sufficient with an extra puff before a long walk of if feeling iffy.
With Fostair the change in skin & soft tissue of throat took a few months and was/ is incredible. Mind you, we're all different so what works for one may not work for all. Best wishes to you too 😃
Good luck with your apt with the consultant, I hope they can't sort this out for you. Do let me know if you change to an alternative inhaler and how you get along with it.
Re Seretide 250 First Posted 2020
I've been on Duoresp 160 for a couple of years now and it worked for me.
No more night cramps. No more cough...When I changed realised Seretide had caused all these side effects.
I am now 70 and have reduced to Duoresp 100 twice a day [I beleive it is called Symbicort]
I do still have thin skin and bruise under the surface very easily. Looks like flat blood blisters.
Previous post:
I was on Seretide 250 for about 10 years [Two X 2 puffs a day = 1000] until my surgery decided they were not going to prescribe it any more and informed me I had a choice of either Duoresp 160 or Forstair.
I assumed it was because Seretide is expensive and I was being prescribed a cheaper option. Really panicked, called asthma specialists, signed up to this forum, etc. but had to choose one and without any expertise.
I chose the Duoresp, but only because it doesn't need to be used with a spacer.
Overnight my severe leg cramps disappeared [they woke me several times every night] and within 3 weeks, a cough that I had had for 6 years was gone.
It was not until these two awful symptoms disappeared that I realised they were side-effects of the Seretide, despite having presented with them, and informed doctors - [6 years is a long time to have a bad cough] - there had never been a correlation made to Seretide being the cause of these awful side-effects.
The long and short of it is that Duoresp 160 has changed my life, but I know it's not the same for everyone.
I don't feel the need to increase my dosage; one inhalation morning and one at night, and seldom if ever, use a Ventolin inhaler.
[I'm 68 and work full-time. Childhood asthma never went away but wasn't chronic, as it became.].
I did post a couple of years ago to see if anyone was in the same boat and could help me make an informed choice. I hope this helps.
Hi i haven't been on Seretide ,but my skin bruises very easy ,this is due to being on Prednisolone daily for the last 10 yrs, I am led to believe this has also caused high pressure in my left eye which can be an early sign of Glaucoma I was referred to a local eye hospital where the consultant gave me a choice of laser surgery or eye drops, I chose the eye drops and after 6 mths this has dropped to well within an acceptable range of 19 whereas previously it was 25 , a lot of these inhalers we are prescribed contain steroids which doesn't help.