how has people managed if they have had trouble doing exercises 2 weeks after hip replacement, lifting operated leg up, I simply cannot lift, it’s a dead weight also the exercise you push leg out on bed that won’t move out.? Help…
advice hip replacement exercises - Arthritis Action
advice hip replacement exercises

Didn't you get any exercises from the physios? I was given a whole booklet of stuff.
yes got a hip booklet few exercises there, side kicks, taking leg out to back and front, ankle pumps, and the bed ones I simply can raise my leg
It probably is a matter of building up the muscles. I was given one of those rubber bands to strengthen my legs, did you get anything like that? It is a matter of time, you have had a major operation.
oh yes I have got rubber bands from physio ages ago, Yes have build muscle back up just wandered how you do it even if you can’t
Two weeks is not a very long time. I went to the swimming pool and sort of cycled up and down as well, to try anf build up my muscles. You will find that you will slowly get the strength back.
that’s ok started get worried, thurs staples come out can mention to nurse can’t do some exercises
Did the staples come out OK? One lady I met at the hospital showed me hers and they had bits of skin on them!! I had disolvable stitches.
Are you having physio ? Don't worry it's still very early days and it will come
Listen to your physio he/she will advise you
I have had both my hips replaced and one knee I remember after my knee one it was like my leg was glued to the bed I just couldn't lift it and was so worried but then one day I lifted it perfectly just like that !
Good luck with your recovery but you have had a major op and it does take a while
I asked my surgeon if I would be up on the dancefloor at my son's wedding after my first hip replacement he said I guarantee you will The op was March 31st the wedding was July 8th and yes I was up dancing no pain and was fit and well long before that
So take it one day at a time and you will be surprised at how quickly you will heal
Take care xx
that’s a relief if you was ok I should be yes the leg is like it’s glued to the bed can’t raise it let alone hold for few seconds, no physio just told do exercises and see surgeon 6 weeks time so wether he would then refer if needed hopefully just come like yours did
Oh wow that's not good about the physio I've always had it after each op and it's reassuring to chat to someone Yes my leg I couldn't imagine lifting it ever again then one day I tried and zoom up it went just like that ! Huge relief
I'm sure in 6 weeks you will be all nicely healed I definitely was with my hips
All the best
I am five weeks out and I couldn’t do the same movements you mentioned. Physio reassured me and said the muscles were still healing. Don’t worry, it will come. Just do what your body allows but regularly. I am still very weak but I was virtually bed bound before.
With the caveat I'd done my exercises prior to surgery, I had similar to you with my left leg (Right THR went like a dream) so I did buttock squeezes, lifted my leg a little, do your ankle pumps too. Do a little often the muscles will get there, early days lots of healing ahead.
No harm either if you can, calling physio or GP for advice.
I was just like that on my first physio session. I couldn't move it at all . I was told to place a rolled up towel under my lower leg and try a gentle lift from there. Within 2 weeks I could suddenly lift it high in the air, much to my surprise ( and physio s!)
That’s excellent, three weeks in and I’m managing swing leg in air when I get into bed so don’t need leg lifter either, knee seems better not using the lifter wether this is the case lol
Yes...I think the lifter is great in the very beginning but soon found I could manage better without! Pleased you are managing better now. Still exercise caution when moving about though. I had a fall about 7/8 weeks after ( think it was that time...)....fell onto operated side 😬...not lifting feet high enough!
what’s shock that was, hope you didn’t dislocate it but bets shook you up and made it very sore