I had osteoarthritis of the right hip in 2014 and had a full hip replacement with great success. some time after that i began to get back and groin pain and was referred for an MRI. The result was herniated discs and sciatica. I have just recently had another MRI and the result is mild wear and tear, no compression, but osteoarthritis of the spine. I had a heart attack last year and a stent was fitted. I have not properly processed that yet. This new information has nocked me for six, and I find myself wondering what the future holds? I have been in a lot of pain for the last 3 weeks due to going swimming for the first time in 2 years, resulting in a huge "flare up" in my back. I can no longer take naproxin or any other prescription anti inflammatory due to the side effect of stroke or heart attack!!! I was prescribed 2mg of diazepam 3 times a day for 5 days!!! I feel thoroughly fed up but also very guilty as I know there are people out there far worse than me. Trying to speak to my GP is a nightmare, as by the time you get through there are no phone appointments left!!! I want to know what to do now and if I can be given stronger medication?? Is any one else in a similar situation?
bad news: I had osteoarthritis of the right... - Arthritis Action
bad news
You could ask your pharmacist for his/her advice on medication? There are gels and so on to rub in, too.
But having had a stent as such doesn’t stop you from taking some pain killers. It’s hard to know what to say without knowing your full medical and family history and so on.
What about having a call to one of the appropriate charities? British Heart Foundation, Arthritis Action are just two of them.
Oh momsnder, you are having a terrible time no wonder you are feeling down my heart really does go out to you.Not being able to speak to your doctor is also not helping you deal with your problems . Like Happy Rosie I also thought it would be an idea to get in touch with the charities she mentioned but also ask your Dr’s receptionist if the doctor could recommend any additional help for you. It really sounds as though you should be referred to someone to help with your full health situation .
Having OS is something no one understands until they have it and trying to deal with it you seem to go a step forward 2 steps back then something else crops up to test us.
Sending my best wishes to you x
Hi Holdingbacktheyears,Thank you,
It can be hard sometimes, especially when the self pity and poor me syndrome sets in!!! I just try each day to stay positive, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!!! Iv'e still not properly processed having a heart attack a year ago, and every sensation I have in my chest or lower jaw takes me right back to that time!!! Ive made the decision to speak to a counsellor about my feelings!! the crazy thing is that I practice as a private counsellor myself!!! everyone needs help sometimes but it is asking for it that is difficult
Hey must be really horrible for you. Can you have opioides like tramadol to help with the pain? Other people MAY have it worse than you but chronic pain is tough to manage and mentally drains you.
When you say herniated discs dependant on what’s happened they can ease in terms of pain sometimes.
In terms of other relief I find a TenS machine good it doesn’t solve the pain but does give respite by interrupting the signals where the pain/nerve are.
I have some similar despairing pain from back and hips comes and goes and can’t takenNDAIDs because of anticoagulant and AF. Absolutely insist on speaking to doctor. Write to them. Email practice manager. Better than pharmacist though that is good idea Phone 111 and explain they may get you an appointment with a walk in (!!) centre. I so feel for you
Have you tried a tens machine on back?
So sorry to hear your sad story. I hope you will get some help and improve soon ❤️