I’m due to start on a methotrexate injection but I work full time, the training session is likely to be during a work break so just wondering if there are any side effects how long do these take to kick in as don’t want to be feeling ill at work. Also does it hurt to inject? Thanks in advance.
Methotrexate injection.: I’m due to start... - Arthritis Action
Methotrexate injection.

Hiya, I was on methotrexate for several years and it worked pretty well for a long time. You get used to injecting and it doesn't hurt.
Please take care! I don’t take it myself but a friend does. She works in a care home and they say she must be shielded, so she can’t work.
I inject 25mcg methotrexate ... its quick, painless and easy. Much better than taking 10 tablets. I certainly don't need to shield
My Husband takes methotrexate tablets once a week. He has been told to shield as it compromises the immune system. Also he feels ill every time he takes the tablets and he's been on them for a few years now, his side effects have not gone away.
This is interesting because I was on the tablets for years and they never caused any side effects for me. Of course, medication has different effects for different people. The injection is much better.
He was offered the injection and refused (won't admit he's a wuss though)Yes, in my experience side effects get better, but I can only go by what he says as I haven't taken this actual one. And you're right, everyone's different.
Hi cba84. A few months ago I was changed from the tablets to an injection. I can tell you that the training was very quick and incredibly helpful.
I don't feel a thing, it just goes under the skin but not too deep. I found, considering it is a weekly injection, it took a couple of weeks before I started to feel the benefit. It is very effective, I had no side effects and I would recommend this treatment to you. Each pen is single use. The used pens go into a purple lidded box. New containers are available on prescription from your GP, as are new orders of pens, I usually request 12 pens or 3 months at a time.
I can't think of anything to add but don't hesitate to reach out if you want to ask anything or need support.
Hi cba84, the mtx injections are in pen form now and quick and easy. Just be careful when you alternate your injections to you thigh, the pen is so much easier than past syringe form. Everyone’s different and I’ve been injecting for 8-9 years and do not feel anything. The pill form in early days made me feel sick but I’ve had no side effects from injections. I take mine before bed-time. Don’t worry if you miss one just take it the next day but try to be consistent. Going on holidays (remember them days) can be tricky, I sometimes take it a day earlier and a little later on returning depending on your departure, I have never took them abroad too much red tape because your meds are in liquid form. Remember your folic acid everyday with exception to the day you take your mtx. Again don’t panic if you take a folic acid on the day of injection by mistake, you’ll be fine just don’t make a habit of it. You’ll be aware that you’ll get your bloods checked every fortnight and all going well this will decrease as time progresses.
Avoid over alcohol use especially in hotter climates, can’t do won’t do it myself, not unless you like being pillar box red and enjoy over sweating sorry perspiring.
Buy some cotton balls and spot platers, some days I bleed more than others, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
All the best
Hi there, if u r in a lot of pain I hope the methatrexate will help u. It does take about 6 weeks to get into your system. I myself didn’t get any side effects . Been on it now for over 7 years. I also have infusions. I use a methatrexate pen which the needle is hidden inside a case. No pain injecting at all. Good luck.
I agree with everything you have said here and couldn't have put it better myself.

I see u r in a lot of pain with your neck, please donot suffer go get advice from docs or specialist. Lovely pic of u and your dog.
How are you getting along with the injections?
I have an appointment with a pain management clinic and physiotherapy is being arranged. My Consultant is aware of what is happening and it is in hand. Thank you for caring. The dog's name is Betsy, she is a rescue dog we have had since 5 weeks old. Next month she will be 10 years old. :)😃