No Points for PIP: Hi All, On ESA for... - Arthritis Action

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No Points for PIP

25 Replies

Hi All, On ESA for years but applied for PIP. Unfortunately I received NO POINTS. What do I do now? I suffer with incontinence, O Arthritis, joint pain, pins and needles, depression, PTSD, SAD, joint stiffness in my knees, back pain, I lack lower body strength, numbness and cramp etc. I’m on so much medication especially pain. My life is so restricted I have to think about, how far I may have to walk, how long i’ll be on my feet... is what I do today worth ending up in chronic pain for days... with I get up playing Russian roulette with my pain medication just to get the burning pain to go away from my knees to my feet. Will I wake up the next day... who will look after my children. I suffer with incontinence for over 13 years. This also prevents me from going out, I have to be 100% where I’m going there’s a few toilets available, will I get to a toilet in time... for anyone that struggles with incontinence will also know it can affect your personal and sexual life. Personal hygiene can be a problem because you have to wash those parts Constantly, sometimes you can still smell yourself even 5 minutes after you get out the bath. My bladder doesn’t empty, so I’m under urologist care, for investigation... I was due an appointment on the 19th November 2019 to find out the step... but received a text the day before saying they had to cancel it, but will send me another appointment.... to date I’m still waiting for that letter. I was single for many years so It wasn’t a problem, I’m still single and feel I will always be because suffering with incontinence dust control your life. I can’t go anywhere even with friends it’s to embarrassing. If you can smell your private parts... then others Probably can too. As for My knees I was told I need knee replacements ... then told I was to young... then I was sent for a scan... I was called in by the specialist who said “ wow your knees are pretty bad you will need knee replacements sooner rather than later. Then said I was to young let’s try give you a guided injection to see if that helps... I said I just want the knee op as the guided injection never help before... he kept saying I’m to young (late 40s). Anyway through my tears I reluctantly agreed to the guided injection. However when I came to have the injection there was some mix up at the hospital... so I was seen by my specialist colleague. I explained I came for a guided injection in my knees she pulled up my medical records so my knees in the scan and said why are you having a guided injection that’s just that’s just going to prolong the problem what you need is knee replacement. I told her her specialist said I was too young she told me to wait in the waiting area she came back and said my colleague is going to speak back to you I’ve got him to speak to him and he comes up with okay let’s try keyhole surgery. Cut a long story short I as my GP to refer to another hospital for my knee I want a second opinion. Without looking at any scans. The news specialist said “it agreed with the original specialist and basically refused my knee operations. And booked me for guided injections. I missed the appointment. Now I’m going to go back to my GP and request to see someone else. How can I move on with my life with all the health problems... the same health problem that keep me trapped in my house... seeking further and further into depression. I feel my life is over.

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25 Replies

So sorry to hear of your problems as I can relate to quite a few of them. Luckily I wasn't too young for my knee op but I have nerve problems from my back dread getting up in the mornings as so very painful to stand up straight and get moving and the Osteoarthritis in my feet and ankles restricts my walking some days worst than others (if I walk too far when feeling okay and the pain really starts up I have problems getting back home. Sorry I can say nothing to help you except I hope you find a doctor or specialist that pushes things on for you so you can have some quality of life. As for the PEP I think it's disgusting xx

Hi, I too had no points on Pip that was about 10 years ago when I had to finish working due to my condition I have had NO FINANCIAL HELP WHATSOEVER and like you find this disgusting. I worked and paid full stamps until I was 59 and could not tolerate the pain whilst doing my job any longer.

I am now 68 and was finally also diagnosed with fibromyalgia which the doctors had missed for all these years due Osteoarthritis and a trapped nerve in my neck.

I strongly advise you to look up the symbolism of FYBROMYALGIA as you seem to have many of them.

Let me know how you get on

Thinking about you and sending hugs x

in reply to Holdingbacktheyears

Thanks for your help and advice. Fibromyalgia was something the original specialist said it might be then he never me mentioned it again. But I will speak to my GP

pffft2017 profile image
pffft2017 in reply to Holdingbacktheyears

It's appalling. Like you I've paid all my dues, worn my joints out after 20 years in the building trade and paid self employed NI which is higher than for employees yet I am treated like a malingerer or in the words of 'Pauline' in The League of Gentlemen, dole scum!

kohai profile image

Hi there,

Before I can give you a fully informed reply on how to get what you've applied for, I need to ask you two questions;

1. What proof of your illness(es) did you provide during your assessment?

2. Other than your doctor, have you been seen by any other specialist? Gotten a social worker? Have carers coming in to help you?


rab1874 profile image

I would appeal disgrace xx

Hi there, when you attend face to face assessment you must have all the evidence you can get to support your claim as they won't take your word for it , unfortunately that is the system but you can appeal, good luck.

in reply to

That’s the thing I had all the specialist letters, which gave the correct medical terms for my problems. The assessment lady took a few and that was it.

in reply to

Hi there, that's good if you have medical letters , but for pip they go of what help you need with daily activities , mobility, mental health issues, I would ask for a mandatory decision over phone and if you still don't get any where then I would appeal. Good luck.

sueshepy profile image

Hi, I recently attended a PIP f2f assessment and when I asked for the report it was full of lies and I got zero points.

I submitted a mandatory reconsideration along with a witness statement written by my husband and had previously submitted all supporting evidence plus the ESA report as Im in the Support Groupl

It took just over 4 weeks and I received a letter from the DWP saying they have awarded me 10 points which gets me basic rate PIP. Im still going to appeal as I feel I should have been awarded points they dis regarded.

I hope all goes well for you x

MikeG1944 profile image

Hi Newme2017; if you can't get PIP I assume you already get Attendance Allowance, up to £80+ a week. Not means tested and they do seem to give it out a lot easier than some other benefits. First step is to contact AgeUK and they will send a rep round to do an initial survey which they pass to the Benefits office who will send round a rep to check and fill in the form with you. The whole thing only took a few weeks and I get paid the top benefit of £350 every 4 weeks. It's a really simple one to do. It is misnamed though as it's nothing to do with attendance, just disability and aimed to help you in your daily struggle. Don't know what I'd do without it now. :)

in reply to MikeG1944

Hi Mike thanks for your message i thought I messaged you the other day... but maybe I forgot to press the reply button. Any thanks for all your advice... I contacted age U.K. regarding attendance allowance.. “I’m way too young” they said. But thanks again. All the best

pffft2017 profile image

It's standard procedure. I applied for PIP on the advice of DWP staff, was awarded nil points and now they've stopped my ESA benefits because of incompetence or downright dishonesty I'm still trying to establish. Ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration within 28 days from the date of your letter and send as much evidence as you can.

Sorry to here you’ve had your ESA stopped. I was wondering if their going to do the same to me...I’m waiting an ESA assessment date.

pffft2017 profile image
pffft2017 in reply to

I shouldn't worry too much. I've discovered it was the assessor that 'shopped' me to the ESA as she had a problem with my minority status. Currently getting legal advice re; suing Capita and the alleged 'health professional'.

Send your Mandatory Reconsideration and every scrap of evidence to support your claim and make sure you get a receipt of posting or send it recorded or they'll swear blind they didn't receive it.

in reply to pffft2017

Thank you

I hope you get yours sorted out.

pffft2017 profile image
pffft2017 in reply to

Hi thanks, I finally managed to get the DWP to see reason after threatening Capita with legal action, they obviously passed on my e-mail as the DWP rang me the next day to state my ESA had been restored but I have to attend an assessment. I'll be armed with more evidence on the state of my knees and I'd advise you to insist on making audio recordings if they send for you again as they all lie through their teeth.

They'd state Stephen Hawking RIP was fit to dig ditches. Good luck!

ellj profile image

Hi there, I really feel for you and understand your frustration.

I too was refused knee replacements because the surgeon thought recovery would be too difficult since I have MS and my mobility is not good.

I had injections for a few years until they became I effective.

The replacement joints are so good now that many consultants are happy to offer them to younger patients because they are lasting a lot longer than they thought they would. Hopefully you will be able to talk this through with your gp.

Regards your incontinence issue, I presume you have an incontinence nurse?

If you do then it was probably the nurse who referred you to the hospital. When I saw the Urology consultant he arranged tests but in the meantime told me I needed to self catheterise a few times a day. After tests etc he told me I needed to do this 6 times a day which I do now.

I have prescribed catheters and they come with free wet wipes and dry wipes.

It is a nuisance but the benefits are that incontinence is no longer a problem if I empty my bladder before going out.

It is a fidle at first but you quickly get used to doing it and it gets quicker as you get used to it.

I buy myself a can of cleanser which is an aerosol cream and take it with me if visiting friends etc for quick refresh. I understand your worry about odour but don't let that worry imprison you. Wipes etc will freshen and deal with cleaning.

I do still use a thin panty liner incase I dribble but thankfully it hasn't happened.

Good luck with all this try not to let it control your life.


in reply to ellj

Thank you for your message. Getting knee replacements is pot luck I’m 47 and I’ve been refused a family member is 45 and got it done. I spoke to my GP he referred me to another specialist said (as I explained above)... but basically refused knee replacements too. I’m not going to be false to have more guided injections or another key hole surgery just so they can prolong giving me knee replacements... I going to take the matter further. I have dependents to care for too.

As for incontinence: I did see a nurse for the Catheter thing... but they couldn’t find where to insert it, she wanted me to come back and try another day, but when she suggested it’s something I have to for the rest of my life. I didn’t go back... instead went back to the urologist and told her. Now I’m on the waiting list to go in to hospital find out what the actual problem is. I have to be put to sleep to have the it done... sorry can’t remember the name... letter not to hand.

Golden-Lhasa profile image

Hi there, I hold my hand up and haven’t read all your post. I was refused PIP the first time I applied but a lovely neighbour recommended I go to the citizens advice and ask them to help you complete the form. The questions need to be answered in a certain way and if that’s not done. Then they won’t award PIP.

I hope that helps everyone who has had problems with that unforgiving form.

Merry Christmas to one and all.

pffft2017 profile image

It's disgraceful they're refusing knee replacements to some patients, typical of the god- complex surgeons have. What excuses did they give to avoid improving your quality of life? I would be wary of having the cortisol injections as a couple of specialists have told me they erode the bone if used excessively and they have found the recovery rate is longer for TKR patients that have had steroid injections. The only thing that helps me is a can of Deep Heat spray every week and the odd bottle of Dubonnet to get the blood flowing to my poor old knees.

Buzzman profile image

Buzzman profile image

Go to this site has lots of help to get pip well worth looking

Will do thank you Buzzman

Buzzman profile image

Your welcome pip is about points and if you know it helps

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