I have moderate to severe arthritis in both knees also left foot and ankle and in both shoulders. I’m struggling dreadfully with my knees in so much pain. Can anyone please tell me if they have had a genicular injection and did it help?? No consultant will sadly do surgery on me due to heart and lung problems. It’s hard to walk and I do know this Covid with lockdown and shielding hasn’t helped people with disabilities especially moving around. I feel that has contributed to me knees getting worse. Does anyone suffer with pain at the back of their legs when you first get up from sitting or laying down. I become a Nana for first time 10 months ago and feel awful that I won’t be able to do what other grandmas do!! Thanks everyone and I hope you all sleep peacefully and your pain is easier.
Has anyone tried non steroid injections f... - Arthritis Action
Has anyone tried non steroid injections for knees?

Sorry you are in a lot of pain. Can't help in respect of injection advice as I had a bad experience. But your so right about the shielding making the arthritic pain and stiffness worse must be lack of exercise even our normal level. Stay safe and as well as possible
I had the injection twice, then they told me they could only give me two. Both times it worked very well, not getting rid of the pain but somehow making movement better (and also they give it with an anaesthetic so straight after and for a couple of hours you feel nothing and it's the most wonderful thing) They also told me they wouldn't operate, but because they wanted to wait till i was 65 - that's 6 years away.Yes, I get pain in the back of my knee also, always thought it was a bit odd as your knee is in the front.
My grandchildren understand Nanny can't do some things but what I find a problem is that they can be told to be careful around me in case they hit my knee or something, but then forget two minutes later.
Back of legs like achilles tendonitis? Yes because I have psoriatic arthritis that attacks my tendons and it hurts and makes walking a nightmare. I tried injections in my knee suprat I think was the name 1 shot a week for 5 weeks and it just made my pains worse and it was probably because of the PSA.
My older sister had knee injections (cortisone) and she loved it and her knees are so bad she walks like she is riding a horse extremely bow legged from her osteo in knees....
My physio in St Thomas’ London, told me to get an indoor bike and do 30 mins a day on low gear. It helps a lot and not affected by pandemic.