Anyone experienced a sensation of fluttering, like a butterfly or fly is in there ear. Every few minutes it happens. Only started today. Maybe water has gotten in my ear after a shower, I don't know. Xx
Yet something else. Fluttering in my righ... - Arthritis Action
Yet something else. Fluttering in my right ear.

Could it be a very low frequency version of tinnitus? Have a word with your doctor, he can refer you to an Audiologist who will know.
I already have severe tinnitus in my left ear. This came on all of a sudden yesterday. I have have numbness/sensitive/tender feel down the right side of my face for a long time. I am due to see a neurologist 25th June. I have seen e.n.t. and audiologist and it was e.n.t. who have referred me as I have balance problems aswell and frequent migraines/headaches. Thanks Mike.
I have had this. It’s a blood pressure indicator for me and happens when I need to drink more water x
Hiya, I have never had any blood pressure problems when blood pressure has been taken. It's very odd. As I said to Mike, the right side of my face feels numb/sore/tender, hard to explain. X
Hi Furrybabe, you may have just said what I experience and I started to drink more water as my liquid was in lots and lots of tea. Noises calmed right down when I started drinking more water. There is a book called The Many cures of Water, an excellent book by an Indian doctor who was in a prison abroad and he helped many people and cured many people as no medicine whatsoever was available, almost starvation poor diet etc and he wrote this book, worth a read which he claims he cured all types of illness with only WATER. Anything is worth a try but it does not happen in 30 minutes like taking a pill. My hearing and noises like a drone or swishing noise have improved a lot, it was so annoying and stressful. Off for a glass of water. Ps just read another tip from Jolesboz re Vitamin B12 which I stropped taking a while ago so this also could be an answer for me re tinnitus.
Have you had your vitamin B12 levels checked? Neurological symptoms like you describe and tinnitus are common symptoms of a B12 deficiency (and sometimes you get symptoms if you’re levels are low but not deficient) and a lot of doctors don’t think of B12 in the first instance. I’d strongly recommend asking your GP to test your B12 levels.
Hiya, I have already been tested for b12 and it's fine. X
Has a doctor told you it’s fine? Have you actually seen your blood test results? In my experience a doctor will tell you it’s fine if you are within range. However you could be right at the bottom of the range and be getting symptoms. Not everyone is the same and what’s ‘fine’ for one person isn’t fine for another. I’d recommend finding out your exact level and where it is in the range. I, for example, have never been diagnosed deficient by a doctor but my reading was about 220 with a range of something like 190-900. My doctors told me I was fine and symptoms couldn’t possibly be B12 related, however I now supplement every day and my symptoms have gone. If I stop supplementing, my levels drop and I start getting symptoms when I hit about 300. If you look on the pernicious anaemia site you’ll find a lot of people suffer the same and doctors are not particularly clued up about B12.
Ok. Thanks. X
Yes I’ve had this quite a few tines over my life. First time it happened I did wonder if a moth had actually got stuck in my ear! Sometimes just turning my head as if staining it has helped, holding my nose and blowing out hasn’t. It’s not lasted long and now I just ignore it and it goes away.