Hi, I am a 37 year old and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 32. Since then I have been told I have Osteoarthritis in both hips, both knees, both wrists, both shoulders and in my elbow to the extent that I have no cartilage left in my right elbow.
I have been through all the meds and I’m currently taking Tocilizumab once a week via injection as well as naproxen and co codamol daily.
I have looked into stem cell therapy done in Panama, and the results appear to be very good.
I wanted to know if anybody has, or knows anyone who has had this done and what results they got from it.
I am a plumber and before much longer I will not be able to work, which is worrying at my age as I also have a young family.
I am seriously considering going to Panama and having this treatment as I have had no help from Doctors here, it is so frustrating!
Any help would be appreciated.