After 2 long years starting with back problems, finally been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the spine stage 3! Moderate, it's also in my feet , hands,. I wonder if anyone else has requested cortisone injections in their spine??
Update on suspected osteoarthritis - Arthritis Action
Update on suspected osteoarthritis

I have steroid injections tons in my lumber facet joints twice a year. Once NHS and once privately as NHS here only provides yearly treatment. I used to get them in my sacrioilic joint but had a fusion last year so no longer possible.
I didn't request them however but was offered through the Pain Management clinic. I have severe ,( for my age) osteoarthritis in L3 L4 L5 L6.
I have requested steroid injection in my clavicle but that's for rheumatoid arthritis.
There is only a certain amount of steroid that is safe to give. You might have to choose the worst parts !
Osteoarthritis started on me in 2013. It started in my hands is where it started first , wild mild pain . By2014 it had started in my feet. 2015 mine progressed into my shoulders, elbows and knees. Now I also have it in my spine including my neck. I won't consider having a cortisone injection in my spine . There's to much of a risk that could go wrong. I've read some people that have had them have ended up paralyzed afterwards. Some the paralysis has worn off after a few hours others it's turned out to be permanent paralysis. I've read this in several articles. I'veread these online off of different websites that people have posted with there experiences after having the injection in there spine. Most of them have said the pain is gone but the paralysis ended up being permanent and then having to rely on a wheelchair for mobility. For this reason I'm not considering on getting a cortisone injection in my spine. Good luck to what you decide. J. D. Quinn
I suggest you do look again at the risks of this procedure as you may be getting them slightly out of proportion. It's the same epidural process that is used in childbirth - just different drugs. So it a very widely used technique.
Yes there are risks with any procedure, but personally I like to really understand the scale of the risk and then I can make an informed choice of whether the benefit is worth the risk.
Yes...I had them for over 6 yrs but then my body became too tolerant and no effect to pain clinic signed me off. Back to my drs who todate havent hit on the magic pill. But definitely go for the injections.